Chapter Eleven

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"YN?" YN's head shot up, her black eyes zeroing in on Tony as he approached her cell. Half of his face was black and blue, his eyebrow and lip busted.

YN stumbled forward, grimacing as she moved against her caged hands. "What happened to your face?" She whispered, hating the concern that bubbled inside her.

Tony shook his head, placing a hand on the glass in front of her. "Your precious captain and his boyfriend." YN frowned, swallowing a gasp of shock.

"He did that to you?" Tony nodded. "Why?"

"He killed my parents, YN." YN's eyes widened, shock making her still on the spot. Her eyes trailed up Tony's body, taking in his defensive stance.


"Barnes. And Steve knew." YN took in a shaky breath.

"Your parents died in a car accident, Tony-" Tony laughed, shaking his head.

"That's what he made it look like. I saw the video." YN closed her eyes, resting her head on the glass.

"Tony, I'm sorry. I really am. You didn't deserved to have your parents taken from you." Tony nodded, turning around quickly to compose himself.

"Now do you see? Do you see the person... the people they are?" YN bit her lip. "YN, I can help you."

YN felt anger build in her chest. "Help me?" YN growled. "What like you're helping me right now? Locking Wanda and I up like animals? Dangling Scott and Clint's family in front of them like some sick bribe?"


"Wanda is a kid, Tony! And look at her. Look at us." Tony shook his head, grimacing as he looked over to Wanda's cell. "You did this. This is on you."

"No, this is on you." Tony slammed his hand against the glass, making YN stumble back. "This is on you. You couldn't see the bigger picture. We kill people, YN and justify it when we fix what we inherently started." YN chuckled.

"You mean you started?" Tony shook his head, furrowing his brow. "You were so paranoid that you decided to go against every ethical process in the book and create Ultron. And Ultron destroyed Sokovia. So does that not mean... you destroyed Sokovia? And the rest of the team were on damage control." Tony flinched, looking to his feet as YN chuckled. "You aren't the man I knew all those years ago. You aren't the man I loved."

"Loved?" Tony scoffed. "You spent ninety percent of our relationship with blondie anyway!" YN laughed loudly, staring Tony in the eye.

"And where were you?" She shouted loudly, everyone in the cell block wincing as the two had it out with each other. "Hiding away from me as I healed from saving yours and your mistresses asses." Tony's eyes softened, the anger turning to guilt. "So, don't act like our relationship ending was my fault. That's on you too."

"Where would they have gone?" YN scoffed, walking away from the glass and sitting on the bed, crossing her legs. "Dammit, YN. Tell me!" YN shook her head, curling her lip at her former lover.

"You've changed, Tony. You've grown weak if you can't see past personal problems to the ones that are right in front of you." Tony sagged, bringing his hands up to rub them down his face. "I am sorry, believe me. And I understand why you're mad."

"How could you understand?" YN clenched her teeth, looking down to her lap.

"Barnes told me my real family were prisoners of HYDRA. I was the sixth generation to be born in their walls." Tony stilled, as well as everyone else who was in hearing distance. "He told me my mother died during childbirth and my father went crazy, broke out with me, only just over six hours old, and dropped me at the nearest adoption agency. He hung himself in a motel." Tony closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Do you want to know what else Bucky told me? He disposed of both of their bodies. Dumped them in a pit and lit them up until they were nothing but charred ash."

"So you see what I mean?" Tony said softly, brown eyes meeting YN's through her restraints.

"No, Tony. I understand your pain, but your point of wanting to kill Barnes?" YN shook her head sadly. "It won't change what happened. You're -our- parents are gone. Killing Bucky won't achieve anything but more pain." Tony rested his head against the glass, his shoulders wobbling. "Tony..." YN whispered, pressing her hands against the glass.

"I'm sorry..." He muttered, making YN look up quickly. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I really am, I never wanted to. I truly thought you were the one I'd grow old with." YN smiled, her heart hurting at Tony's words.

"I know, I thought that too." Tony sighed, looking up. "I wish I could hug you, tell you it's okay. Because I know you need comfort right now." YN met Tony's eyes, the glassy brown flicking between YN's mismatched orbs.

"You are an amazing woman, YN." YN smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "I hope we can be friends one day."

YN nodded, her own smile overtaking her face. "One day." She whispered. Silently, YN watched Tony leave, not stopping to chat to anyone else.

"Are you okay?" YN tried to breathe quietly, closing her mouth to muffle her cries. "YN?"

"No, Clint. I'm not, I-" YN growled, sinking to her knees. "I feel like I'm going to explode." She could feel her skin tingling and YN stared in shock as it literally rippled. "Clint, I think I'm going to explode."

"YN, calm down. You're probably having an anxiety attack-"

"No! My skin is... what the fuck?" YN yelped as her fingers grew numb and suddenly, everything went back to normal. "Um..."

"What's going on?" YN cleared her throat, frowning at her hands.

"Uh, panic attack. Good call." YN stood to her feet, rolling her shoulders that felt like they weighed over a hundred pounds each. She lifted her gaze, meeting Sam's shocked gaze. YN raised a finger to her lips, making sure Sam understood they were to tell no one. Sam nodded, still frowning. YN sat back on the bed, closing her eyes and crossing her legs again. She opened them when the entire building into darkness, a grin lifting her lips. "Go time." 

Meeting Her Eyes (Third Part of the Beyond Her Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now