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John's POV (you = Sherlock)

Remember when we first met?

I was fucking ecstatic. I have just watched Green Day. Live.
First I was grumpy and almost didn't even go, because my friends Molly and Mary have turned me down very last minute.

Now I had to go alone to a concert. One didn't go to a concert alone. Well, except me - John Watson apparently. But it was definitely worth it: The loud music, the bass hammering in my ears, Billy Joe Armstrong making fun of all the stupid teens who kept their phone in the air the whole time. Damn. Billy Joe Armstrong in general. That dude was fucking. Beautiful. And Hilarious. His whole being was freaking capturing. Totally don't have a crush on this man...

But when I went outside and you caught my eyes, I forgot all about Billie Joe.
You were just standing there. In your black leather jacket. Slick black hair combed back - at the end forming into curls.
You caught me watching. Embarrassed I looked away. I have been staring. I tend to stare at gorgeous people, and HELL you were gorgeous.
You turned around with a smirk on and a cigarette between your lips.

You said "light my cigarette"

Your voice was deep, but smooth. Your blue and green eyes were sparkling.
And I... I fell for you right there and then. Completely and hopelessly. I didn't trust my voice so I got my lighter without talking. I didn't smoke myself but I had it with me for the concert. I lit your cigarette which was just sitting there loosely between your lips. Gorgeous lips. Cupid bows.

You grinned at me. It was alluring. Oh and you bastard KNEW it. I have completely forgotten about Billy Joe. I couldn't think straight anymore. Well I never have, considering I have always been very, very gay.

With that signature grin you asked: "Want one, too?"

I shook my head: "I don't smoke."

You looked at me. An intense stare. I looked right back. "Wanna come with me?", you asked me out of the blue.

"Where to?"


What a weird question to ask a stranger. I have known you for two minutes. It would be so stupid to come with you 'anywhere'. You could be the biggest mistake of my life... or my biggest chance.

I got my phone out. "Okay, I just need to call my parents real quick."

Your eyebrows shot up - mocking me with a look, while I was already walking away a few meters and made my phone call.

So I lied to my mom and dad

"Hi Mom. Yes! Yes it was great! No, actually, actually I was thinking I could come home late tonight? Yeah, well you know..."

I shot a quick look at that gorgeous boy I have just met.

"Uhm... Mary asked me if I'd like to stay at her... what?! No! Jeeesus, dad! I can still hear you, you know? No! I know she does but, mom, MOM! I am gay so that's never gonna happen okay?! Can I, please? Yes, I am ACTUALLY gay!"
I listened to my mom on the other end for a while.
"I will. Okay. Thank you. You too. Bye!"

You were looking at me with a weird look on your face.
"So you're gay." you stated.

I blushed. Looked away. "Yeah. Did you hear me...?"

You kept looking at me with your calculating eyes. "It was quite obvious anyway. The way you try to look all tough - trying to not look like the feminine gay stereotype. The way you look at boys. At Billie Joe. Me."

"Have you been watching-?!", I asked unbelievin-

I was interrupted by a loud and angry voice: "Hey! What are you doing? Are you two kids SMOKING?!" It was security - a big, grumpy man in uniform.
Panicked I looked at you. You took my hand.

I jumped the fence and I ran

We ran through dark alleys and across busily trafficked streets. Soon I have lost my orientation. You were the one pulling me through. You seemed to know exactly where we were going.

But we couldn't go very far...

We arrived at your car. It was a lean sports car. My jaw literally dropped. "What?! Are you rich or something?!", I asked.

You made a face. "It's my brother's.", was your only answer.

Nonchalantly you put your hand in your pocket, but then your face dropped. You started searching for your keys frantically. "What the...?", suddenly your eyes widened. You pressed your face against the window and looked inside. "FUCK! They are in there!" you said.

... 'Cause you locked your keys in your car
So you sat and stared at my lips

Frustrated you dropped your slinky body to the ground and leaned your back against the car. Your head dropped back, eyes closed. I could see your neck. A nice neck... Quickly I looked away and decided to sit down as well.
When you felt me next to you, you opened your eyes and turned your body towards me. Nervously I licked my bottom lip. Which made you stare at it.

And I could already feel your kiss

How soft and tender and gentle it would be. I closed my eyes for just one second and allowed myself to imagine that gorgeous breathtaking boy kissing me.

Then you suddenly did.

I could feel your lips on mine. Your lips were actually hot, and rough, but... perfect. You tasted like cigarettes. And like something sweet, something delicious. I could not quite pinpoint on what it was. But I wanted more. I kissed back, you grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. I forgot to think, to breathe. My whole body was getting all tingly and warm and- I broke the kiss off.

"I... I don't even know your name.", I stumbled trying to not breathe too heavily.
You smirked. You knew how captured I was. You knew it. You took my hand and grabbed a pen from your shirt pocket. And scribbled your phone number on my hand.

"The name is Sherlock Holmes.", you said when you were done. Oh, I loved your raspy voice. Then you leaned forward to my ear and whispered. "Call me, my dear John Watson." I must say - I am embarrassed about what your breath in my ear did to me. You got up.

"I.. am not your dear... wait! How'd you even know my name?"

I stood up too. You were already walking away from me, towards a cab. Where the hell did that come from? You opened the cab door and - before you closed the door - turned around and fucking WINKED. My knees went weak. I was feeling sick. So fucking love sick.

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