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A/N: it is 2:30 am and what do i do? johnlock. that's what i do. just had the urge to publish this... anygays enjoy. or don't... #angst.


The following days, no weeks, months, for the rest of the fucking year, Sherlock, you didn't contact me. Avoided any contact even. No texts, no calls, no letter. Nothing. I never saw you at my school either. Hell, I didn't even know if you were at my school.

Until one day I saw you. And you were snogging someone's brain out. I am pretty sure it was Jim - the biggest bully of the school. I saw you pushing him against a wall and you two kissed. You even fucking saw me. Locked eyes with mine and fucking smirked before attaching your mouth to the neck of this disgusting human being, who has been treating my friend Molly like shit for years. That thing inside my chest? It didn't just break, Sherlock. It evaporated into nothingness.

Ever since I felt emotionally drained. I kinda lost contact to everyone, who used to be close to me. Molly, Mary, my mom, my sister,... everyone. I was constantly in a bad mood. I probably would have been diagnosed as a depressed teenager, who also had developed anger issues. Somehow I still managed to finish Highschool. However, I believed neither in love nor happiness anymore. And you were the reason why.

And even if I run away

-pack my things and leave England, leave my family, my friends, my home... leave everything because everything reminded me of you. Even if I left, went to an Asian country to be as far from you as I could afford and-

Give my heart a holiday

-from your toxic love... from the beautiful heartbreaking memories-

Still strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you.

Here I was, sitting at a beach bar, trying to forget you. With the help of some alcohol and flings. "Give me the best cocktail you make, please!", I had said to the bartender, and you know what he gave me? That's right, some bittersweet strawberry-flavored drink. I made a face as I tasted it and flashbacks of your heart-stopping kisses flooded my brain. That's when this man sat down next to me, "Is it really that bad?", he had asked.

I had smiled, a bitter smile, "Just reminds me of someone I don't wanna be reminded of."

He looked at me from the side, a little smirk dancing on his lips, "Maybe I could take your mind off them for a while?"

I had shrugged and grinned right back at him, "I most definitely would enjoy you try."

He laughed and didn't even hesitate to kiss me on my mouth. He tasted like cigarettes. And all I could think was, 'Don't you fucking dare destroying even my one-night-stands now, Sherlock'. But you did. Because of that damn strawberry flavored cocktail and that fucking cigarette tongue in my mouth. I refused to let him go, however. The following night was hot, sweaty, loud,... but still-

You always leave me wanting more

Nobody was ever enough. Nobody ever made me feel even remotely the way you had made me feel. Not one single one. I felt bad for them, because whenever I was with them I imagined it to be you. I was a pathetic idiot, but still-

I can't shake my hunger for

-you. It was a hunger that was going to eat me from within. Starting from my heart, wandering over to my whole body. Eating me alive.

Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you

I can't eat this delicious fruit anymore. Can't even walk by a smoker, without the picture from the very first night we met popping into my head: Your way too gorgeous mouth with a cigarette between your lips.

Yeah, they always taste like you

I hate you. I hate you for seducing me. I hate you for going on dates with me. I hate you for not answering my texts and calls. I hate you for leaving me hanging like that. I hate you for your games. I hate you for dumping me, after you had gotten what you wanted.
I hate me for falling for you. I hate you for making me love you. I hate me for loving you.

Long nights,

- full of thoughts of you. Days full of-


-of you.

With that sugar and smoke rings
Always taste like you

I hate that I am willing to starve, just to get another taste of you.


A/N: yay another chapter! Sorry it took me so long and I am sorry it's angsty. There will be one more chapter though! Please report n.ovhelhd, because they have stolen my stories --> check out my book "report n.ovelhd" (ignore periods). I really hope they won't steal my stories again... and that the website will be taken down. (F*ck you, kindly - the actual turtely)
Leave votes and feedback, pretty please! *throws sPaRkLiNg badly cut out paper hearts at you* Thanks for reading, babes! <3

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