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A/N: honestly i have no idea where this fanfic is going but... *shrugs* let's see
(please don't hesitate to call me out on my mistakes/typos)

Long nights,

Now you were gone and I was in the middle of London with no fucking idea where exactly that was. That didn't stop me from liking you though.

I wasn't ready to go home yet so I walked alone along the streets. With only you on my mind.
I was thinking about your leather jacket. Your lips, your eyes. Our kiss. The fact that you knew my name - How did you? And why? Were we in the same school? Did I give you some other hint without realizing?

You have left your phone number on my hand. I remembered your touch. Your bigger hands grabbing mine, your taller body leaning down to mine. Your rougher lips meeting mine.
I was so in love with you. I didn't stand a fucking chance against your charm. Sherlock Holmes...

It was two thirty AM when I finally decided to go home.


I woke up and immediately thought of you. I looked at my hand. I have already saved your number in my phone. But as soon as I have gotten home I have scribbled it down as well. And no, I didn't stare at the numbers on my hand last night until I mesmerized them.

I wished I wouldn't have to wash my hands, so your handwriting could be on me forever.
I hated brushing my teeth, because it felt like I was washing your kiss away. That damn sweet rough kiss.

Dear God help me, I am so gay for this Sherlock-guy.

All day I was thinking about what to text you. If to text you. When to text you. Was it too early? But if I didn't text soon maybe you'd forget all about me and have the next boy standing in the line. Or girl. You could be bi, or pan, or whatever else there is. I wanted to know that. I wanted to know your hobbies, your music taste (other than Green Day obviously), your friends. Gosh, I wanted to know everything about you. Every single thing.
I grabbed my phone and started typing:

'Hey Sherlock! it's me the boy from last night😏 let's go out on a date 😉'

Nope. I deleted everything. Definitely too ballsy.

'Hi Sherlock. I don't even know if you remember me... 🙈but I met you at the concert last night. It was so nice and I already miss you 🥺 Maybe we could meet again, please?🙂'

I read that again. Cringed - definitely too needy; and what's up with those emojis?! - and deleted everything. Except the 'Hi Sherlock' part.
After a few seconds I deleted the 'Sherlock'.
And then the 'Hi'.

Blank space.

Uggghhhh! What does a boy like me text a guy like you?
My mind drifted off. A guy like you... tall, strong but not big. Mysterious but courageous. Gosh those eyes. They were so beautiful. Those liiiiipppsss. And they were on miiiiinne... you must have liked me! Otherwise you wouldn't just have kissed me, right? Or did you kiss every boy that you just met?!

All day I thought about you. All day I tried texting you but couldn't find the right words.
I replayed the scene at the car. You being all frustrated and dropping down. That neck. You turning towards me and suddenly your lips on mine.

By the time it was evening I was a mental wreck. Laying on my bed, I grabbed my phone and stared at your number for the millionth time. You said 'Call me', right?

It can't be that hard - just gotta hit the button. My fingers did. But I was immediately freaking out: I didn't know what to say, I haven't thought about what to say!
I quickly hung up.

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