A/N background info :)

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hey! thanks for reading, lovely person! so i'd like to give you some information about this fanfic.

1. the song:
"strawberries and cigarettes" by troyan sivan is a pop song, released in 2018 for the movie "love simon". if you don't know that movie - watch it ;) (just a recommendation) - it's about a teenager who came out as gay in the internet and simon starts texting him, because, guess what? he's gay too :)
it's basically a very sweet and gay love song about meeting your first love.
i didn't even know that but i had a time where i was absolutely obsessed with that song and listened to it on loop for hours and then i came up with this very gay teenlock fic.
- which in my opinion stands for the song itself because you don't need to look it up to know what's it about.
i would definitely recommend listening to it at some point. however you will not be able to read it in sync with the story because my story sometimes has very long parts in between the lines :P

2. the characters:
john is 16 here in this AU. sherlock is 17. but because john is a little baby and sherlock a bad boy it may seem that they are further apart age-wise.
john is gay here, though canonically he seems more bisexual.
sherlock is a gay icon we all know that - that didn't change here. not asexual as you could assume based on the books or the show (though i think he's gay through and through- just my opinion though)

3. the setting:
is in london but i am not from there so i stick to describing basics lol

4. the cover
do you like it? i wasn't quite convinced... i made a bunch of other options but i guess i'll just stick with this one.
i wanted one where you can see the strawberries clearly but also get the bad boy vibes...
obviously i did not take the picture (omg imagine being ben's photographer?!?!?!) but i edited it so... yeah i guess credits go kinda to me. i am not too possessive about it so you can share if you'd like. (would be awesome if you'd add a link to the story though :P )

5. the plot:
haha as if i'd tell you that ;P

6. updates:
i don't know if i can update regularly but i will try...

please make sure to vote/comment - i mean you don't have to but if you do happen to like my story that would be great 💚

- turtely 🐢

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