•part 11•

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*Sunoo's pov*

His arms..
They were covered in cuts and scars..
He must've realized that I could see it because he quickly tried to hide his arms behind his back.
His short blond hair hanging down over his eyes while he ignored any kind of eye contact at all.

"Ni-ki..." I said trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Ni-ki..please look at me.." I said yet again.

He didn't answer, still not looking up from the ground i could see tears start running down his cheeks.
I hated it, to see him cry, to see him sad and I really hated how tired he looked.

"Ni-ki please look at me..please" I said in hopes of an answer..

"I-i c-can't.." he mumbled quietly yet loud enough for me to hear him.

"Why Ni-ki..why?.."

"B-because I-i lo-look ho-horrible.." he answered, and just like that I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces..

*Ni-ki's pov*

"B-because I-i lo-look ho-horrible.."


The same word that my father had used to describe me earlier that day..

"You could never look horrible in my eyes" Sunoo answered with his calm and soft voice, oh how I've missed his voice..

That's when I saw him raising both of his hands towards my face, I flinched at the sudden movement but calmed down as soon
as I felt his soft hands on my cheeks, his thumbs whipping away my tears.
I slowly felt him gently lift up my head..

And so our eyes met once again..
I had missed his eyes so badly, they were so incredibly beautiful.
He must've noticed the bruise on my face or maybe it was my red eyes because before I knew it he had broken our eye contact and his hands were no longer cupping my face. I could now instead feel his arms around my waist hugging me tightly,
It was the first hug that I had gotten for a very long time.
It felt nice.

I hugged him back and we stood like that for awhile before he broke the hug and grabbed my hand instead, holding it in between both of his.

"What happened to your eye Ni-ki? Why is it bruised?" He asked and I could tell in his voice that he was very worried.

"I tripped" I tried to force out a smile.

"Oh..but what about your arms, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry" I let out another forced smile"

"Ni-ki please don't lie to me, have you at least cleaned them safely?" He still spoke in a calm voice, he didn't seem weirded out at all..

"I ehm.. not really.." I quietly answered feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Then let me help you" he said before walking into the house.

I still had one of my arms behind my back, to ashamed to show it to him.

After we had gotten the emergency kit from under the sink I lead him up and towards my room. He was still holding my hand gently in one of his own.
His hand was warm and soft, it felt nice holding it..Comforting in a way..

As soon as we walked into my room I immediately felt embarrassed and ashamed. It was so dirty and gross compared to Sunoo's room.. but for some reason he didn't seem to mind. He looked around a bit before looking back at me with his beautiful smile.

He asked me to sit down on my bed and so I did. He started to clean up my cuts and held my hand while I was wincing in pain.

He was so gentle..

"All done!" He said with a proud look on his face.

But i was stuck in my thoughts again, did I really have a crush on Sunoo?

"Sunoo.. do you think it's wrong for a guy to like another boy?.. i mean LIKE like.. more then just friends?.." The words had already left my mouth before I was able to swallow them back down, I immediately panicked at what I had just said.

What if he thinks I'm gross?

What if he doesn't want to meet me or "hang out" with me anymore?..

I internally broke down at the thought of not having him as a friend anymore, before I got interrupted by Sunoo opening his mouth to say something..

Here it comes,
I was ready for him to say something mean but the mean words never came..

"Of course not, it's perfectly normal. Your feelings are something you can't help Ni-ki"


"Yes really! My best friend, Jungwon, has a boyfriend. And they are happier then ever when they are together"


"Ni-ki, I'm also gay"


(First chapter written on computer..)

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