•part 14•

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*Sunoo's pov*

I was sweating and crying, having a nightmare.

I could see Ni-ki on the bathroom floor, he was hyperventilating. His sleeve was pulled up, exposing his bare wrist. He was holding a blade. It looked like the ones that come from those reusable razors. He was slowly leading it towards his thin wrist. I fell down next to him, I was desperately trying to stop him but it was like I was a ghost. My hand went straight through him. It didn't matter how hard I tried, the blade was now on his wrist. He winced in pain and I could see tears streaming down his pretty cheeks as the blood started to pour out. I was still on my knees, crying. I couldn't breathe. That's when I woke up.

"Sunoo please!" I heard Ni-kis voice call out, oh how relieved I am to here that soft and comforting voice once again..

*Ni-Ki's pov*

I was woken up by Sunoo moving and mumbling things
"Ni-ki...don't...stop" was all I could understand.
I was worried sick as I called out his name multiple times while shaking him, trying to wake him up from whatever nightmare he was stuck in.
And finally his eyes opened, his gorgeous, fox-like eyes. He looked at me in disbelief before jumping into a hug. He held on to me as if I was gonna go away any minute. His face was buried in my chest as I worriedly started caressing his hair.

"Ni-ki.." he said in between the sobbing.
"Shhh it's okay, I'm here" I said while brushing through his hair with my fingers.

"Don't.. leave me.." his voice cracked a bit,
"I'm not going anywhere"
"Pinky promise?" He asked as he looked up at me, reaching out his pinky finger.

"Pinky promise.." I said as I connected our pinky's. "Now go back to sleep" I said, I didn't want him to be exhausted tomorrow.

"Okay" he answered with a weak voice.

A few minutes later I had still not fallen asleep because of the constant moving from the boy laying beside me. I turned around, looking at him struggling to fall asleep.

"Is something wrong Sunoo?" I asked, I was still a bit worried about him to be honest.

"Ni-ki..I can't stop thinking about the nightmare..it felt so real" his voice was still broken. "I'm use to hugging something to fall asleep, like a pillow" he said. He sounded so sad and I couldn't bare it anymore so I just grabbed him by the waist and let him hug me as I played with his hair until he fell asleep in my arms.

*Sunoo's pov*

I woke up feeling kinda soft and warm, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times trying to get use to the sunlight that was peaking in through the window. I then felt the warm feeling again and it was only then that I realized that the warm feeling was someone holding me.. I immediately looked up towards the face of the person holding me,

it was Ni-ki. Still sleeping he was holding my waist and I realized that my face was near his chest. And all the memories from yesterday came back, the horrible dream that I had and Ni-ki comforting me.

I felt my cheeks heat up at his warm embrace. I kept looking at his face for a while, he's so pretty when he sleeps. A few minutes later I finally decided to get up. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and opened it.

5 missed calls from Jungwon:)
3 texts from Jungwon:)

Why is Jungwon spamming my phone? did something bad happen?, I immidetly typed in my password and checked the texts.
Sooo how did it go w Ni-ki???
Are u ignoring me??
Ur so mean to me..
I scoffed at his text before I started typing a response..
Im not mean
I was sleeping dummy

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