•part 12•

318 21 10

*Still Ni-Ki's pov*

"Ni-ki I'm also gay"

I was surprised yet relived, that means that he probably won't mind my secret.

"I actually thought it was quite obvious haha" he giggled out.

I thought about telling him, maybe it would feel nice to talk about it with someone..

"Sunoo.." I started as I looked up at him then back down at my thighs as I started to feel a bit ashamed and anxious about what I was going to say next..

"Ni-ki you don't have to hold anything back, I'm always here to listen, always come to me when you need comfort. Now continue what you were saying and don't hesitate" he said smiling while lifting my chin back up so that I was looking into his eyes once again..

"Sunoo.. I think.." I took a deep breath and looked into his foxy eyes

"..I t-think I might like..b-boys and not girls.." I said as I felt my cheeks getting wet and my vision becoming blurry by tears.

Why was Sunoo making me feel my emotions again?,
I had been totally numb ever since my mother passed away but as soon as he came into my life I always seemed to cry, laugh, smile and feel..well alive again..

I didn't dare to look into his eyes after the tears started running down,

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by Sunoo hugging me gently,

"I'm so proud of you Ni-ki" he said as he broke the hug.

"W-why? Isn't it w-wrong to feel like t-that.." I said with a sad and confused look on my face before feeling those hands in mine again.

"No Ni-ki, it's completely normal. There are so many people like you and me in this world and you don't have to be embarrassed"

"Oh..sorry" I said feeling my cheeks heat up a bit feeling Sunoo's warm hands in mine.

"Have you ever dated somebody?" Sunoo asked me. I could feel my face getting even hotter at the question,

"No.." I said, a bit embarrassed..
"Have you?.." My eyes widened when I realized what I had just asked.

"Yes, I've been in one relationship before.. his name was Taehyun"

"Tell me more about him.. only if you want to of course.."

"He had this snake who's name was Aengu and he was very talented at singing"

Who the hell has a snake as a pet? he must've been a total weirdo

"He was one year older then me but he did go to the same school as I did.

He had this annoying habit of not fully closing his eyes while he was sleeping and he also really liked to go swimming" he said with a smile on his pretty lips thinking back at all of those memories.

I don't know why but it made me feel a little..sad?..to hear him talk about some other boy while smiling..

"He also didn't like mint choco , which sucked because mint chocco ice cream is the best flavor haha"

I hate mint chocolate ice cream, I'll try to like it for Sunoo tho

I thought to myself before asking the question that I had been wondering ever since he first mentioned this "Taehyun" person.

"Why did you break up?" I asked hoping that I didn't cross a line in his personal space or comfort zone.

"He was in love with his best friend,
Huening kai. I kinda figured that out after a while and I didn't want to keep him trapped with me while having feelings for someone else so I chose to break up with him. We stayed friends after that but after a while we just stopped texting and talking"

"Do you still love him?"

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