•Part 15•

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After I posted the picture we basically ran towards school, not forgetting to lock the door behind us of course.

We only stopped once at some small shop to buy some candy for Heesung and breakfast for ourselves before running the rest of the way to school.

*Readers pov*

They walked in through the doors of the school and walked straight towards the class room. They entered the classroom before sitting down at their shared desk.

"Kim Sunoo and Nishimura Riki I see.." Beomgyu said while giving them a strict face.
"I'm sorry for being late..again" Sunoo Said looking down at the floor embarrassed about the attention he had gotten from the other students.
"It's fine just try not to be late again" Beomgyu answered before continuing the class.

It was now once again lunch, the bell rang and Sunoo immediately jumped up from his seat and packed up his things with a big smile on his face.

"What are you so happy about?" Ni-ki asked him with a small smile on his lips.

"It's lunch so you can meet my friends now!" Sunoo said while jumping up and down while waiting for Ni-ki to get done packing up.

*Ni-ki's pov*

I'm honestly a bit nervous about meeting Sunoo's friends, what if they don't like me? What if they're mean and make fun of me?
I'm overthinking it, I know, but I'm really scared. And I can't cancel it because Sunoo looks so excited, he's so cute when he's happy.

I grab my backpack from the chair I was sitting on and me and Sunoo start to make our way towards the cafeteria to meet his friend group.
Sunoo was walking hella fast though.

"Your sooo slow Ni-kiiii" he pouted while looking back at me.

I am actually walking slower then normally but that's only because I'm nervous to meet Sunoo's friends. But as soon I felt a small warm hand in mine the nervousness disappeared. He dragged me by my hand towards the cafeteria and up to a table where he finally stopped walking. There where four other guys at the table who I'm guessing are his friends. Two of them were eating and the other two were..well..


"Jungwon can you stop making out with Jay and introduce yourself to my friend over here?" Sunoo said while giving a dramatic eyeroll towards one of the boys who were sitting at the table which made me chuckle a bit.

"Oh sorry didn't see you there! I'm Jungwon nice to meet you!" He said while giving a "different looking" smile that kinda scared me a little bit.

"Stop doing that smile, you're scaring him" Sunoo said making another dramatic eyeroll.
"Anyways this is my boyfriend Jay" Jungwon said, changing the subject while doing jazz hands towards the boy that he was just making out with. Jay only gave me a small nod as "hello" before grabbing some chips from one of the other guys plate.

"And that's Heesung and Jake" he said while pointing at the two boys who were to busy devouring their food to even notice that we were standing here. I soon looked back at Jungwon who was now "smirking" at me while looking up and down towards my..hand?..

It was only then that I realized that I was still holding Sunoo's hand in mine. I quickly let go of his hand and started awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck before sitting down next to the boy named "Jake" who was still stuffing his mouth with food.

*Not proofread so there might be spelling mistakes*
Again, sorry for slow updates.
I might be releasing a Jaywon short story that has been laying in my drafts but idk.
Anyways ily<3

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