Chapter CVI

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Ahsoka had been doing her best to distract herself ever since Vader had brought them to his hidden base. She had done her best to not run into the Sith, though that had proven to be difficult since she often visited her friend in the medcenter and the Sith Lord seemed to never leave the unconscious girl's side.

He'd always been a bit over protective, the Grey Jedi supposed, but it was still strange to witness Darth Vader of all people....

No, let's not think along those lines.

Ahsoka had spent most of her free time (when not not checking up on Luna or communicating with the Rebellion) either meditating on what had happened in order to further come terms with what in the galaxy was happening or training on the dueling droids. It didn't really do much, though as the days went by, the Togruta had found herself somehow becoming more and more comfortable in the Sith Lord's presence. Ahsoka was weary of it, but had yet to find a reason to make things more awkward than they already were. Force knew a storm would hit the moment Luna woke up.

How was Ahsoka supposed to even explain? She hadn't exactly planned for Luna to find out the Grey Jedi was responsible for the Sith tracking the girl down, hoping all she would have to do was keep Artemis's Illusion and Delta out of commission long enough for the two to have a civilized conversation of some description. Preferably one that would clear up whatever had happened that had caused Luna to run off in the first place, and if not that maybe at least talk some sense into her about how meditation and Force energy was not a substitute for actual rest and sleep.

Of course, it was also possible even that was overly optimistic. Maybe Luna being stuck in Vader's medcenter was the best option, at least she wouldn't be able to disappear immediately.

Not that it would matter if either of the two failed to keep their temper upon speaking. The Sith Lord had been acting incredibly tender with the girl, but Ahsoka, again not knowing the Sith himself but who he used to be, knew mood swings happened. A lot and easily.

Especially when the apprentice had disobeyed an important order or done something stupid.

Or lost her lightsaber.

So. Many. Lectures.

Point being, the moment Luna was awake, Ahsoka wouldn't be surprised if this caring Vader disappeared and was replaced with....

Well, the Vader she had met in that temple. But surely he wouldn't hurt Luna after everything that had happened, right? Ahsoka had felt it in her bones when she'd first spoken to the Sith, that she was doing the right thing by finding him.

Yet, the Grey Jedi couldn't help but feel so very unsure.

She hated waiting around for something to happen. Too much like Anakin in that respect. Ahsoka had the patience for a battle, for strategy, but not for this, though she didn't quite know how to describe the situation at hand.

Thus when she felt a disturbance in the Force, Ahsoka's attention snapped to the cause like a wild animal on the run to find Luna's presence, which had been dimmed for days, was bright and alert. Awake.

And not only had Vader forgotten or overlooked the need to comm Ahsoka on this development, but it seemed as though the Sith and once Sith apprentice had already managed to get into an argument. Luna wasn't the only Force sensitive in the area that was steadily becoming a nexus of the darkside....

Or more accurately, more of a nexus than usual.

Deciding intervention would be better now rather than later, Ahsoka got up from where she had been meditating and raced to the medcenter.

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