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Chapter 10: Arising Problems


Meline's (?) PoV

This is not fair, this is not fair, this is not fair! I waited over thousands of years for my beloved mate but all I get is a rejection! My knees gave out under me and I collapsed on the ground. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. I screamed uncontrolabely. The forest shook and all the nearby animals fled from my agonized screams.

After all of these things I've witnessed, this was the most painful one. It felt like my heart is being shred to one piece after the other, painfully slow. No, I have to endure this. It's no different from all the other times when I got tortured. But this pain is far worse than any torture method I know...

Trying to distract myself from the human with the fox mask I stood up and dried my tears. I can't be weak anymore. I promised this to myself. Why was I even so full of hope when I saw her? One measily human can't change my fate while the gods above us laugh about this theater called life.

I took deep breaths and sat down on the ground. I don't want to go back to the library again where my other self rushed out of. Currently, to have no one around me is better. Who knows what I might do if they piss me off.

Suddenly, the bush behind me rustled. I groaned internally when I picked up her mana. Didn't she do enough damage already?! Laying against a tree I accepted my fate.

Not to long, and my mate came out from the bushes. She looked around until she spoted my broken self against the tree. I glared at her, signaling that she should leave me alone but that of course didn't happen. In the deepest part of me that made me happy but I couldn't admit it.

"I wanted to talk... out from all the prying eyes in the town. Uhm... You don't look so good."

Was this girl serious?! I turned away from her so I couldn't see her anymore.

"Who do you think is the cause of this? Hm? Now let me be. You've done enough damage already, human."

Her expression turned into guilt. Yeah, she should be guilty. It's rare to find your mate. Just the lucky ones find their other half. I already thought mine died a long time ago so I gave up searching. But getting rejected after 10.000 years... humans couldn't possibly understand. I tried to dry my coming tears so she wouldn't notice them but of course she did. Great, I've shown weakness.

A sigh escaped the humans lips and she looked at me with sympathy.

"I'm really sorry for rejecting you back then. It's not like... I don't want to but I'm afraid that this is almost impossible. A human and a demon and to top it of we are both girls."

"And? We aren't mates just by chance so stop finding excuses. You have no right to reject me and then come back crawling to me again. This is pathetic..."

This is totally annoying. I used the tree behind me to stand up but almost slipped. The human tried to help me but I didn't want her.

"Don't touch me!"

She backed away, hurt. She has to feel the pain she inflicted on me. This was just a mere fraction.

"Look, I know I hurt you. I'm really sorry. It's just my duty as a hero to protect those in need."

"Good job with that. You already failed as a hero."

Maybe I was too harsh to her but I was angry. She of course didn't back away and just continued to try and reach me. Her resistance was annoying but for some reason it made me happy that she didn't give up on me yet. Most would leave me alone by now.

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