Part 2 11-20 chapters

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Chapter 11 The Bald man's return (Kreekcraft)

"Kreekcraft here, and uh, my country has pretty much lost to the battle between this so called chaos organization known to my people as the Uprising, they recently attacked California and leaving our government to evacuate the civilians, Kreek fams stay calm our government can deal with this, also plus this country spends the most on the military than anywhere else in this world, Peace" Kreekcraft said then stopped the recording.

"Man Kalya, how much can our government handle this attack" Kreekcraft said, "I don't know, it seems that the government is losing the battle, after all they attacked Hawaii and now they attacked California, I don't think the US government is winning, I don't wanna live anymore...soubs" Kalya said then cried, "comn let's focus on the positive, Hey tomorrow is our grandma's birthday, she going to turn 90, did you buy her a cake" Kreekcraft said, "Oh yeah I order it on EBay" Kalya said, "you know that website is filled with scammers" Kreekcraft said, "but he is well trusted, look at the f^^king reviews, it's like almost 5 stars" Kalya said, "You know people sometimes bot their reviews" Kreekcraft said, "Who cares, they cannot possibly make some much alt accounts at Type their reviews, it sound ridiculous" Kalya said, "Fine whatever you think" Kreekcraft said in boredom. "Why can't Kalya listen to me?" Kreekcraft said.

11:00 pm

"Man today is quite a day, I don't know but Timmeh seems not to play outside that much now" Kreekcraft said while looking out of the window, "Kreek, you have to sleep, it's 11 now and your almost bald, now get to bed or I will check on what chiseled has been tweeting to me" Kalya said, "I know whatever you do don't look at chiseled's page" Kreekcraft said, "what is in there, Porn, and disgusting stuff, I probably think of that kind of stuff" Kalya said, "Yeah kids these days'' Kreekcraft said, "you know you should get to bed, you have been working on your channel hard, it's time to give it a break" Kalya said. "Yes and just get out of my room, I will sleep Kalya" Kreekcraft said then rushed Kalya out of his room, "sigh... I have to work on my video, or I cannot buy poptarts tomorrow" Kreekcraft said then quietly rushed to his PC to get working, "comn don't be loud" Kreekcraft begged, the PC let out a loud [The Microsoft PC Startup Sound Here] "woah hope that didn't get the attention of Kalya" Kreekcraft said, then he heard a calm melody sound from some room, "what is that" Kreekcraft though, "It's making me kinda sleepy" Kreekcraft thought tired, "no I can't, have to make this video...." Kreekcraft thought, then lowered his head on his desk, and fell into a deep sleep. Kalya peeked into Kreekcraft's room, "Sweet dreams Bf" Kalya said quietly, then gently closed the door.

Chapter 12, New you (Diana)

Location: North Korea in docks

"Hello, I am on my way to start my duty to secure one of our bases which has the Obamaium bomb. The Uprights is working on transporting the bomb to a different location through illegal sanction crossing, a bomb that will basically wipe us all out and leave no trace as, you know, a last ditch effort if the dragonflies manage to Inflation and defeat us."

"Diana we're leaving" Sarah Furge said, "Alright I will pack my things" Diana said, Diana rushed to pack all her belongs, until she show a picture of her with Alan in their usual science uniform, she felt a slight nostalgia of her time where she worked for science not for war, her tears dropped on the picture as she remembers the time where she is departed to Outpost 18 and meet the leader, the leader had a fun time with her and would usually have conversations together, and her little brother Alan is studying for mechanical engineering and should often complain to Alan about the messy living room. Now she works for war in this body armor, she stuffed the photo into her baggage, and left the room.

She left the ship and saw a huge giant wall surrounding the entire North Korea border, and seems to not be made out of earth-like materials. "WATCH OUT" one of the soldiers screamed, then Diana was immediately pulled down by Sarah, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED CAN WE HAVE A NORMAL DAY" Diana screamed, "shhh dragonflies, these guys wanted to steal the bomb for their own advantage" Sarah said, the sounds of plasma gunfire, explosives, and dead soldiers, "what do you guys came here, too scared of a couple of fireworks" Ryan said, "what do want" Diana said in anger, "My team is defending the bomb, do you guys just allow the dragonflies to ruin our operation" Ryan said in some anger, "let's just get out and actually fight Diana" Sarah said, "see that girl next to you has some functional brain power" Ryan said.

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