Last Part ;)

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Thank you for making this far, that was quite boring right? Well your almost done.

Chapter 131 nowhere (Jaiden)


Jaiden found herself in the golden dimension again, "hello there, Uh you got anything in store for me?" Jaiden said. "HELLO"!? Jaiden shouted it echoed across the dimension itself, Jaiden breathed for a while, "IS ANYBODY THERE"!? Jaiden shouted as the same thing echoed, "hello, there?" Jaiden said running around the endless dimension, she then stopped for a moment to cool herself down, "hi" Dodo said, Dodo? DODO" Jaiden shouted and she hugged the hologram of Dodo, "I did it" Dodo said staring into the endless void, "yes, with a cost" Jaiden said, "my own life I guess" Dodo said, "yes, and are you real"? Jaiden said, "yes I am real, I only can exist within your memory, I gave you the amethyst necklace in mark of my birth stone" Dodo said, then a distance trumpet was sounded

"Looks like the angels are coming" Dodo said, "have fun in your afterlife, I think that's what they call it" Jaiden said, "yes your 690% correct" Dodo said, then two divine like figures in holy roble with a spear like rod appeared, "it's special" Jaiden said looking around the figure, "also before I go, do you still care about me?" Dodo said, "yeah why not, you're forever my fan" Jaiden said, "thanks" Dodo said, and the world flashed bright golden again.

Jaiden found herself back with the same wall behind her and her damaged prey bird and suit, Jaiden took off her helmet, "Not again, shit" Jaiden said touching her hair, Ari then landed down on a piece of metal with a letter in his beak, Ari squeaked and flew at Jaiden giving her a letter, "what possible insult can you give to me, stop playing Ari, your not.... Dear Ja... well that was an extremely misspelled word, whatever, Dear Jaiden, I am very sorr.. can..for....g..ive me, uhhhhhhh" Jaiden said then looking at Ari his face was in a beggy expression, "uhhhhhh, I will forgive you" Jaiden said, Ari then squealed happily and flew onto Jaiden's head and pooped on it.

"THERE SHE IS" a familiar voice shouted, "James?" Jaiden, "JAMES,ITS ME JAIDEN" Jaiden shouted, "THANK GOODNESS THAT YOUR ALIVE" James shouted, Ari spueaked and flew to James, the rescue helicopter landed onto the dusty wasteland, James was seen running toward Jaiden he carried a water bottle with him, "Jaiden are you ok" James said, "yeah, afterall can I see the therapist"? Jaiden said, "ohhhhhh, you have a cut, quite severe, let me grab an bandage" James said, then warped Jaiden's cut with an bandage, "also I will need your water bottle" Jaiden said, and James gave her the bottle and she dumped the water onto her head. "Done, I'm good to go" Jaiden said.

Chapter 132 med room (Sarah)

Location: a medical ship near Japanese coast

Sarah woke up, to find herself in a medical room with the instructor reading a book, "oh you're awake" the instructor said, "what happened"? Sarah said, "l well an uprising spy attempted to shot you, his name according to Maeson is Gary Untres, fortunately the guards took him down and he sent him to the officers, which he now awaits trial along with about 1,000,000 uprising soldiers and the main corporate behind the scenes where arrested, Hell the numbers blew my mind" the instructor said putting down his book, "can I talk to Gary" Sarah said immediately getting up, "sure, but our soldiers are going to Surveillance your conversation between him" the instructor said, "I will I have to talk to him" Sarah said.

Sarah rolled her wheelchair with 2 soldiers armed with guns patrol Sarah, she got into a room and the soldiers helped Sarah to open the door, Gary was sitting on a chair with his head down, the door slammed shut with soldiers in, "Hey there Gary" Sarah said, Gary lift his head, "what?" Gary said his head moving around, "so I know you are an uprising soldier, what made you do it" Sarah said, "what thing" Gary said, "for shooting me in the leg" Sarah said, Gary looked down at Sarah's leg, "ok, I did it because, I don't wanna be a freak" Gary said, "what freak? Who said you were a freak" Sarah said, "My parents, they wanted me to kill you because you know my people hate your alien race" Gary said, "and.. go on" Sarah said, "so My parents wouldn't want me anymore if, I didn't kill you, they wanted me to join the uprising to eliminate your entire race" Gary said, "ok so you're parents are one hell of an racist" Sarah said, "yeah, I didn't mean it, if I were know... do it with command" Gary said.

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