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(Yunho's Pov)

The next morning I wake up to a commotion coming from the kitchen and climb out of bed rubbing my eyes before heading to see what the noise is about. Walking into the kitchen I look at Seonghwa and Hongjoong in confusion. "What's going on?" Seonghwa looks at me an unhappy look on his face. "Someone got into the fridge and ate a bunch of the food." My eyebrows furrow in confusion the other boys insisting that they didn't do it. Hongjoong speaks up. "And someone must have taken a late shower because I found a bunch of extra towels in the laundry." Again everyone denies doing it. Suddenly San walks into the kitchen a pout on his face holding his arm that has claw marks on it. Wooyoung frowns rushing over in concern. "San what happened?" He gives me a look. "Yunho's new cat clawed me when I tried to pet him." I immediately frown and say defensively. "You probably scared him. He's not used to being around a bunch of people." Hongjoong speaks up. "Well go calm the cat down and come eat because we have practice." I nod and go to check on patches seeing him again hiding underneath the bed. Frowning I manage to coerce him out from under the bed and carry him over to his food bowl. I pour him some food but frown when he just walks off and jumps onto my bed. Feeling a little concerned I decide to just leave the food there and gently pet his ears. "Alright patches I have to go to practice. Please be a good kitty and don't cause any trouble." He seems to nod but I chalk it up to my imagination and go to eat breakfast with the others. Once we're done eating we head to the practice room and immediately start practicing. We practice until late into the night and head home I immediately rushing to my room. I open the door and walk inside only to freeze in my tracks when I see a guy curled up in my bed wearing one of my hoodies and a pair of boxers. Starting to slowly back out of the room I end up backing up into the doorframe it making me yelp in surprise. The guy on my bed jerks awake sitting up and my eyes immediately widen when I see his full profile and I quickly rub my eyes to make sure I'm not dreaming because there on top of his head are a pair of cat ears.

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