Ch 17

317 8 3

(Danny's Pov)

When we reach the hospital after I give over all of the information I know about Cecil I'm told to wait out in the waiting room while the doctors work on the younger boy. Grumbling I reluctantly listen then pace back and forth in the empty waiting room knocking the hat off that I'm wearing and running a hand through my hair my ears twitching and flattening against my head. Soon I hear footsteps and look up to see Yunho and the others walking into the waiting room. Instead of rushing over to Yunho's side like I would usually do I go back to pacing anxiously. I can feel the guys all staring at me but I ignore it. Instead I try to pull my stiff tail out of the slightly tight jeans I'm wearing grumbling in annoyance and frustration when it gets stuck. Stomping my foot in frustration I plop down in a seat covering my face and start to cry. Soon I feel a presence beside me and a gentle comforting hand is put on my shoulder. Sniffling I look up to see a concerned and confused looking Yunho. My lip trembles while looking into his eyes when suddenly Wooyoung speaks up. "Who exactly is this person and why are you so upset about him?" Everyone glares at him and Seonghwa slaps his shoulder telling him to be more considerate. He pouts and huffs. "What everyone's thinking it?" I sniffle wiping my eyes before I look at everyone and say in a small vulnerable voice. "He's my little brother." Understanding and sympathy flashes across everyone's faces and Yunho gently pulls me into a comforting hug. "I'm sure he'll be fine." I look up at him pitifully and he gently wipes the tears away from my eyes. He then gently pulls me to sit down with him the others taking seats around me as well. "How long has it been since you've seen your brother?" Looking at Hongjoong I wrap my arms around myself vulnerably. "When I was ten. He was eight years old. I should have taken him with me but I thought he was safe." Yunho rubs little soothing circles onto my back. "You were a kid and like you said you thought he was safe." I bury my face in my hands until I hear footsteps and immediately look up jumping to my feet when I see the doctor. "How is he?" The man gives me a small smile. "He's out of the woods for now. He had a pretty deep stab wound and is pretty malnourished but we got the stab wound taken care of and have him on a nutrient drip." Frowning slightly I immediately ask eagerly. "Can I see him?" The doctor nods and motions for me to follow him. I grab ahold of Yunho's hand and drag him with me to the room. Hesitating at the door I take a deep breath before entering nothing preparing me for what I see. When me and Yunho enter my gaze immediately goes to the small boy I see in the bed all beat and scratched up with his face sunken in slightly from how much weight he's lost. Swallowing I walk over to his bedside and gently take his hand my body shaking. Yunho stands over me a comforting hand on my shoulder it making me relax a little.

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