Ch 4

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(Yunho's Pov)

After eating and hanging out with the others I head to my room. Once I walk in I immediately see Danny curled up on my bed asleep and can't help but stare at his tail curled up around his waist. Suddenly I realize he's on my bed and that I don't have anywhere else to sleep. Just as I'm about to go sleep on the couch San pokes his head in. "Hey you can take my bed for the night. I'm sleeping in Wooyoung's room." Immediately thanking him I grab some pajamas then go to the bathroom to shower and change. I quietly slip back into my room when I'm done and head over to San's bed climbing in and falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

(Next morning)

I wake up to a nice smell drifting into the room. Rubbing my eyes I tiredly get up and head towards the kitchen it seeming like everyone else has the same idea as me. We all enter the kitchen and I blink when I see Danny at the stove cooking. He turns his head and gives us a smile. "Good morning. I thought I'd cook for you as thanks for letting me stay. Now go ahead and sit it'll be finished soon." We all listen and take a seat he serving us all after a minute. We all politely thank him and I can't help but stare a little when I see his tail move around. He meets my gaze suddenly and tilts his head questioningly I quickly looking away and focusing on my food. Suddenly Hongjoong speaks up. "You can borrow some of my clothes if you want. Yunho's look really baggy on you." He hesitates looking uncomfortable and shifts around. We all look at him curiously before he suddenly speaks up looking awkward. "Um thanks but no thanks..... I prefer Yunho's clothes."

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