Its About Damn Time

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"Bitch you could've aimed for your mouth better!" I said as I cleaned up Zoey's mess. She's completely passed out so she can't hear me. It still makes me feel better to cuss her out.

I never thought a white couch would be a problem with all adults, but I forgot about how messy my cousin is.

It's sooo much chocolate all over her and the couch. Sprinkles on the floor, nuts in the cushions, and ice cream all over. She's giving me all of the practice I need for a toddler...

Speaking of, after Zoey had her sugar crash I had nothing but time to sit and listen to my body. It's pretty normal for wolves to know if they are pregnant or not a few hours after mating. It's a big change that takes over our bodies and our wolves know almost right away.

Within a few minutes of listing I knew I was pregnant and my wolf couldn't be happier. All she keeps talking about is how she gets to carry the youngest Alpha pup. I, on the other hand, am a little worried... I didn't even graduate high school, I still have to win this pack over, and I'm not even mentally stable if I'm being honest with myself.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kai walking in the house. He looked horrible. His face is full of regret and sadness and it worries me.

"What happened?" I asked, getting to the point. My head is already filled with so many different scenarios that could have happened. My wolf stood up ready to protect our child if she needed to even though the child doesn't even have a heartbeat yet.

He looked over to Zoey's sleeping body then back at me.

"We should either take this in our room or outside. I don't wanna wake your cousin" he said, his voice low.

Oh god what did he do?!

"Um we can go in the room, she's a heavy sleeper" I said, looking in his eyes trying to get an idea of what was going on.

He nodded at me as he followed me to the room. My stomach felt uneasy and not just because of this baby.

Once we were inside he shut the door and looked over at me.

"Before I tell you what I have to tell you, can I just say you look beautiful" he said, giving me a smile.

Normally his compliment would put a smile on my face, but right now all I could think about is what he did wrong or what happened.

Once he saw my face was not budging he cleared his throat and continued.

"Could we do your news first?"

"No, because you look like you're about to shit on yourself so you need to go first" I said. I need him to get it out so I can get my breathing back to normal.

"Okay... the reason I was gone all day is because there has been lots of vandalism and different acts of violence and we had to catch this person who turned out to be Abigail" he said.

"I told you she's crazy! I hope no one got hurt while she was acting it because Charles left her and already found his new mate?" I asked, sitting in the bed.

"How did you know about him leaving and what do you mean by new mate?" He asked, standing in front of me.

"He came over looking for you, maybe to let you know that she was on a rampage. While he was here he and Zoey made a connection" I explained. "But since you didn't know that then that's not why she did it"

"We can unpack that situation later,  she did act out because of him leaving her... but she said that when she felt our connection she lost it. Words got thrown around and she......she kissed me. It wasn't long and it meant nothing" he said, rushing to the last part.

"Ohhh so when I told you that she liked you, you didn't wanna believe it? You thought I was just doing too much? How the fuck does a person get close enough to kiss you? YOU! A whole ass Alpha who should be fully fucking trained with the best reflexes. I guess I should let males get that close to me huh?" I said, with my hands on my hips.

Alphas are meant to be untouchable unless they want to be touched. I mean they have to be when they're the leader.

"I was trying to understand why she did it. My guard was down, yes, but it was only 2 seconds. It meant nothing and I'm sorry.... I was hoping I could make it up to you..."

"Make it up to me? Malakai I've been telling you the girl wants you and you kept playing it off as y'all little best friend relationship. Now she's probably at home now plotting her way into your pants" I threw back. His reasoning sucks. There is nothing he could tell me that would make me believe he didn't want to kiss her.

Many of the wolves tried to kiss my brother and he pushed all of them back. They were even really close, like taking a picture close, and he didn't let it happen. Rather or not Kai wants to believe it, he definitely wanted to see what would happen. Now that they kissed and he felt nothing he's acting like he couldn't stop it...

"And I'm sorry. I completely believe you and it won't happen again. I was actually going to give you the responsibility for her sentences. I know that doesn't excuse what happened but I hope it will make you feel better" he said, catching my attention.

"I'm listening," I said, tilting my head.

"Normally I give 48 hours to decide on a sentence for the one that is wrong then I do the necessary paperwork. This time around I'll give you the paperwork, show you how to do it, and you can make that decision" he said, sitting next to me.

A smile tugged on my face. He's giving me control of what will happen to his precious Abigail? This is too good to be true.

"I can pick whatever I want?" I asked to make sure.

"Whatever is on the papers,"he said.

"Okay, I'm still upset about the kiss and honestly you need to go bleach your lips." I said, scrunching your face.

"Gotcha" he smiled. "Now that that's out the way what's your news"

"Well after Zoey passed out I started to pay attention to my body andddddd..."

"You're pregnant with my pup?" He asked, smiling begged than I've ever seen.

"Maybe" I giggled.

Before I knew it I was scooped up in his arms and placed on his lap. He went in for a kiss and I pushed his head back and stood up.

"Absolutely not! Go bleach those contaminated things! Oh and that's how you stop someone for kissing you"

"Zara, I'm so happy! We're going to have a pup. My first pup! I can't wait to tell everyone" he smiled, ignoring what I said.

I stared at him for a moment, wondering if he would get the hint and go fix his lips. He didn't, he just smiled at me.

"Would this baby be born an Alpha?" I asked, after a moment of silence.

"I'm not sure yet, we'll know by the time he or she is of age"

"Can you please go bleach your lips so I can kiss you" I said, randomly. I know that has nothing to do with what he just said, but it's bothering me.

"Yes baby mama" he winked walking to the bathroom.

It's about damn time.

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