Up On Ahch-To Hill

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My first real dedication! I'm dedicating my dedication to my girls Fairy, J and Goobs. It's because of you three that this story and Remii even exist so thank you. J, thank you *so* much for Star Wars DnD and for making a dream come true for me. You three inspire me every day and I cannot wait for our future adventures. xoxo


Ahch-To mornings were beautiful. Actually, any time of day was beautiful on the island. Remii Stellar had grown surprisingly used to inhabiting an island in the middle of nowhere, something she'd never be able to do in the real world. But this was the world of Star Wars -- the fiction of it all allowed her to become Remii 2.0. This felt more real than anything she'd ever experienced. Be it a simulation or an elaborate dream, this world was feeling more and more real by the minute. 

Wiping sweat from her forehead, Remii smiled down at her surrogate green gremlin baby, his wrinkled little fingers happily yanking blades of grass from the earth in front of him. Training with Luke Skywalker had proven itself to be the most vigorous form of activity Remii had ever performed. The closest she'd come to this level of burnt lungs and crackling throat were the pyramid workouts in her eleventh grade fitness class. Or when she'd won the first place ribbon in the sixth grade relay. She'd never given something her all like this before. She only hoped that what she learned here would transfer to her real-world body too. In fact, she rarely thought of the real world anymore...

Across the meadow, Remii could see her companions sparring. They were as small as ants from here but Remii was delighted to see them bonding. At least she thought they were bonding. She might not've needed the aid of glasses here but the blinding suns of Ahch-To sure shone like burning beacons. What was the rest of their group up to back at the Resistance base at that exact moment, she wondered.

Remii enjoyed the alone time with Grogu. She was sure their journey would come to an end, here. His mission had been fulfilled -- return to Master Skywalker. Remii knew he was probably safer here with Luke...or, was he? There was the ending of The Last Jedi lingering on the horizon. Remii knew that they had transitioned into the second film by now. 

"Maybe you should come back to the base," she thought out loud. The tiny green creature looked up at her with his beady bug eyes. It was difficult to tell what he was thinking without the translations from Remii's Twi'lek Grogu-Whisperer friend. Sometimes Remii understood, other times she didn't. "I sense...hmm." How to word this... "I sense loneliness for you here if you stay. Maybe you'd be better off back with the Resistance. With Leia."

Grogu tilted his head in obvious pondering but he spoke no words. Maybe this was a decision to make on her own. Remii often thought his silence meant you're on your own, Miss Stellar. She exhaled from her nose, looking out at the ocean as its gentle breeze brushed across her skin, tangling through her hair. It was refreshing after all of the excitement. She still hadn't properly let it set in that she currently possessed Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber.

As Remii exhaled, breathing in the ocean air, she felt something tap her leg. Grogu handed her a wildflower. Remii chuckled, graciously accepting the gift. "Thank you," she sang, tucking it behind her ear. 

Remii then had an idea. She'd always wanted to do something that she never could in the real world. Maybe with the unknown skills she possessed in this body, she'd be able to accomplish it here. It wasn't a difficult task but that still didn't mean she'd never been able to make one. This was the same girl that struggled closing pizza boxes, after all. But as Remii plucked the flowers one by one she began twisting the stems into a congealed hoop. 

"Shit, this is difficult. I mean...stars. Don't repeat that," she grunted, twisting and twirling the stems. Even with smaller hands it was a testy task. But finally she'd made it, a dainty little wildflower crown that she placed atop Grogu's head. He cooed like a baby with sheer delight.

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