⓺− 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝗎𝚕𝚝𝚜

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short chapter...

"How'd you go?" Finnick asked as I walked into the room. "I think I did okay!" I told him. "Scores come out in about 3 hours, at 6." Finnick said, as he walked into the dining room. "Lunch is here if you're hungry." He called. "I think I'm going to go rest." I told him. "Okay." He called back. I walked down the hall, to my room.

I opened the door, and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Blake sitting on my bed. "Blake? What's wrong?" I asked him. "I'm scared." He said. I went and sat down next to him, and pulled him into a hug. "Me too." I said. "You're scared?" He asked. "Yeah. I am." I said. "But you seem so... Brave and Confident." He said. "Well, I am scared. My family will miss me if I die, and your family will miss you if you die and I win... Your brother might hate me." I told him. "No, he won't." Blake said. "You should get something to eat or get some sleep until the results are released." I said to the young boy. "Okay." He said, standing up. He walked out the room and closed the door behind him. I laid down on my bed, and stared up at the ceiling, thinking. And eventually, I drifted off to sleep.


"Jas!" Someone yelled, banging on my door, waking me up. "Yeah?" I asked. "The scores are about to start!" I recognized the voice as Annie's. I hopped out of bed and checked my hair quickly in the mirror. I looked presentable, so I walked out the door of my room, and I was met with Annie. "Okay, let's go." She said, grabbing my arm, pulling me into the lounge room. Ceaser Flickerman was on the TV, explaining how the scoring worked.

"The tributes have been rated on a scale from 1 to 12." He said. He elaborated a little more, then got to the scores. "From District One. Craig. With a score of 9. Jenna, with a score of 7." Okay, pretty underwhelming scores from careers. "From District 2. Jet, with a score of 10. And Sophie, with a score of 10." Wow. They're good. District 3 didn't do that well. "District 4, Blake, with a score of 6. And Jasper, with a score of 10." Blake surprised me. A 6. And yay me with a 10! Everyone burst into applause of my score, and I was smiling. "Hey, Blake. You did good." I said, trying to make him smile.

"From District 5, Chris. With a score of 6. And Tahlia, with a score of 7." District 6 was about as irrelevant as it gets, and District 7 didn't score well. Neither did 8 or nine. The district 10 boy got a 5, and the girl got a 7, not awful. Now for District 11. They were average, I guess.

"From District 12. Trent. With a score of nine. And finally, from District 12. Joyce. With a score of seven." "Well, he's done for I guess." I said, a little louder. Finnick looked over at me, "What do you mean?" He asked. "Trent was already on our watch list." I explained. "Now, he's just moved to top 3." I elaborated. "Jet will be going after her." I said. Finnick nodded in understanding. "We should go to dinner." Annie said. We all stood up and walked into the dining room, sitting down. On the table was some fresh water trout, vegetables, and potato.

An Avox poured me a drink, and I took a sip before filling my plate with food. Dinner was mainly silent apart from casual small talk. "So. What's your plan for the games?" Annie asked. I thought for a minute. "Well, I'm with the careers, so I'm going to stick with them I guess." I said. Finnick and Annie nodded.

"Tomorrow's the interviews..." Jackson said, breaking the silence. "We need to figure out your 'angle'." He explained. "Well, maybe we can go... Confident, and strong?" Annie suggested. "Mhm. I was thinking that too.... But we don't want her to be too much of a threat." Finnick butted in.

"Why are you guys speaking as if i'm not here?" I asked. "Sorry." Finnick murmured. "But... how about confident, but not cocky? Just confident, and sweet in a way?" I suggested. "I say we go with that." Finnick said. Everyone nodded in agreement. I stood up. "I'm going to bed." I said. I walked out of the room, and to my bedroom. I showered, changed and went to sleep.

The Youngest Victor | BOOK 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now