⓻− 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠𝚜

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Skipping until time of interviews :)

"Alright. I think you look marvelous." Tigris said as she looked over my dress and makeup. I looked down at myself in my red dress and smiled. "Thank you, so much." I said to my stylist. She smiled and bowed her head.

Athenas barged into the room, "Alright, let's go, let's-" She stopped when she layed her eyes on me. "Wow, you look beautiful." She said. I smiled and blushed, "I know. I love this." I said, honestly. "Annie, Finnick and Blake are just out in the hall." Athenas said, slowly walking out of the room. Tigris stood up from her spot on the couch and ushered for me to follow her out of the room.

We went into the hallway and walked up to the other four. "You look great." Annie said. "Great? That's it?" Tigris asked, offended. "No, no, she looks amazing." Annie said. "Hmm." Tigris said. "I know." She boasted.

"You two should go to the line up. It's starting soon." Finnick advised. I nodded. I looked down at Blake. He was in a shiny silver suit with a black dress shirt. "Let's go." I said. We followed the hall to the end where all the tributes were lining up in order. I went behind the district 3 boy, and Blake stood behind me.

It was about 30 minutes or more of watching interviews before i was directed to the side of the stage. I looked to see all the lights and Cesar Flickerman standing up on the stage. "And now, for District Four's tributes. Up first, we have a lovely young lady, Jasper Cree!" he announced. The audience roared with noise. Cheering and clapping. I walked out onto the stage with as smile and waved a little. "Welcome, welcome, Jasper." Cesar said.

He sat down and gestured for me to sit in the other chair. "How are you this evening, Jasper?" He asked. "I'm good." I said. "So, you got a 10 for your training score, and your, how old?" Cesar asked. "I'm 13 years old." I said. The audience cheered. "13. Wow." Cesar said. "How are you feeling about the other tributes?" He asked.

"I think that this group will make an interesting show." I said. "Why's that?" Cesar asked. "Well, I know my skills, and I know what I'm capable of, and I know that there are many other talented and smart people going into these games, so I can only hope that some of them put up a fight." I said with a small smirk as the crowd cheered. "Well, you're confident." Cesar noticed. I nodded a little bit.

"So, tell me about your home. District 4." Cesar said. "Um, well, from 10, we work out on the rivers, catching fish, visiting traps, swimming and all. That's how I learned to throw a spear and fish." I started. "My best friend and I always go upstream to a secret spot along the river, we found it and it's like our getaway. We go there to catch up. Plus, there's a lot of crabs in the mud near the clearing." I added.

"So, you seem to know a great deal about the water." Cesar observed. "Well, yes. I grew up swimming and I know a lot, not only about rivers but about the ocean. Not that I've ever seen it. But my dad told me stories he'd heard from his grandfather, about what he knew of life before Panem. Stories from over a Hundred years ago." I explained. "Fascinating." Cesar said.

"So, anyone back home you'd like to speak to?" He asked. "Um, to my parents, I'm okay, and I'll try to come home to you. To my brother, protect them. Do your part. And to my best friend, Sam, I'm sorry if I can't save Blake." I said, I looked at the camera as I spoke. Cesar nodded his head. "Any last words of wisdom before our time is up?" He asked. "If I get hurt, I'll hurt 'em back. If I get killed... I'll see you on the other side." I said. The audience cheered loudly. Cesar spoke, "Wow. So you're not afraid?" He asked. "Whatever happens in there benefits my family. But I want to make it home, don't doubt that." I said.

Cesar stood up, taking my hand, "Let's have a warm round of applause for Jasper! Best of luck, my dear!" He said, seeing me off stage. I walked to the side of the stage and back to where the other tributes were, I saw 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 still standing in line.

I locked eyes with Trent and he offered a small smile and a nod. I did the same back. The dark haired girl from 5 quickly left the line and walked over to me. She whispered, "Are you with he careers?" She asked. I shrugged, "I guess we'll find out." I said. She looked into my eyes for a minute, I simply winked and turned away. I walked for a little bit until I found Finnick and Annie. "Well done! You were fantastic!" Finnick exclaimed. "Thanks." I said.

We waited for Blake and then made our way back to our rooms after a small dinner and then we went to sleep. The nerves were now getting to me. The games were Tomorrow. I managed to sleep that night. But now I felt scared. So scared.

The Youngest Victor | BOOK 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now