Chapter 7

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"Ugh." I groaned at the sound of the alarm going off at 6am, I had to get up and get ready to leave for Oakland. I turned off the alarm just as my wife snuggled closer to my chest

"Don't go." She groaned wrapping an arm around me

"Don't temp me." I said kissing her

"Ew morning breath." She said pushing me away I laughed as she rolled over I wrapped my arms around her and started kissing her shoulder

"Wanna join me in the shower?" I said kissing her neck

"Mmm tempting but no." She said smirking at me just as I was about to pull her out of bed her pager went off

"No." I groaned she laughed at me as she leaned over to get it.

"I gotta go." She said

"But baby." I pouted

"You look like Nate when you do that. Speaking of which can you drop him off at daycare before you leave I don't want to wake him this early." She said

"Yeah I'm on it." I said as she got up and went to take a shower alone. I hated our jobs sometimes I got up and grabbed my bag to finish packing for the road trip. Melanie stepped out of the bathroom just in a towel, god damn my wife is sexy.

"See something you like?" She teased

"You I know I do, but I would love it without the towel." She rolled her eyes and walked into the closet, the next thing I know she hit me in the face with her towel

"That's it you're in trouble." I said walking into the closet

So once again Blake made me late to work. I rushed and got changed by then my interns found me so we could start rounds, when I started feeling sick again

"What is that smell?" I asked sniffing the air it was coming from one of my interns

"What the hell do you have on?" I asked him

"It's just my cologne."

"Get the hell away from me you're in the ER, get out of my face!" I snapped and he ran away then I felt dizzy

"Doctor Griffin are you okay?" I nodded

"Yeah I'm fine come on." I told them, thankfully I made it through rounds then I sent them away so I could take a minute until my stomach settles

"Hey what's wrong with you?" Callie asked me

"I'm pregnant." I shot out quickly

"Whoa wait what? When did this happen."

"I took a couple at home tests yesterday and they all came up positive I have an appointment in a few hours with OB."

"Wow have you talked to Blake? What did he say?"

"He doesn't know, I have no idea how he's gonna take it. We haven't talked about another baby, I'm in the middle of my fellowship and he's at the start of the playoffs."

"So what are you gonna do?" She asked

"I'm gonna talk to Blake after my doctor's appointment."

"Wait doesn't he leave for a road trip today?"

"Yes." I said lowly

"Oh my God Mel!" She said slapping my arm


"He's gonna be gone for a week why didn't you say anything?" She asked me

"I don't know, I'm freaking out here Callie I don't know how he's gonna take it."

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