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Hi there! Thanks for reading Of Caverns and Casters. We hope you enjoyed! If you'd like to support our writing and buy a physical copy of the book (or an e-book), our work is published on Amazon:

Or just search "Of Caverns and Casters" on Amazon!

If you'd like to buy a personalized, signed copy of the book, order here:

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Both copies also include bonus content, like a map of the world and a glossary.

The saga continues in the sequel, Of Whispers and Daggers!
It's available for free on Wattpad in its entirety.

Official Series Server
(link in-line and in bio): 


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First, thanks be to God because outside of Him, we can't do anything. He made this book possible and watched out for us every step of the way. Even through the struggles, so many things perfectly fell into place that we never could have planned (and occasionally, that we were actively trying to avoid. Funny how that works). He is so much wiser than we could ever hope to be, and we owe everything to Him.

Secondly, a huge thank you to our parents, who not only encouraged us, but also toned down our workaholic tendencies and put up with our constant planning, in-book talk, and requests for them to weigh in their opinion. A special thanks to Dad, who helped us hammer out Aster's first chapter, and to Mom, who gave us the spelling for Leavi's name. You two are the best!

Much thanks to IWJKeller, katianelyse, DeltaTangoEthan, and especially WriterKellie for helping us edit! You guys were amazing. If you haven't checked out their profiles, we highly recommend them.

Also, thank you to Lazybrew for the fantastic animated banners!

Also, thanks to everyone who let us pitch this book to them and talk about it more than we probably should have. Your excitement kept us excited.

Lastly, thank you, our readers. Thank you for making it all the way through this mess and sticking with Leavi, Sean, and Aster through their journey. You all mean the world to us.

May your skies stay bright,
Laine and Aria Nichols

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