Chapter 11:

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💚💚💚Every P.O.V💚💚💚

You carefully sat in your seat the next day. It was Home Ick, the only class you had with Deuce. Luckily, you hadn't seen him all day, but you were nervous. His episode was enough to scare you away permanently, and you had no intentions of being close to him again. You would prefer not to be in the same room as him, but you had no choice. Dread settled in you. You weren't ready to face him again.

You handed off the food to the teacher, who smiled warmly at you. You still couldn't get over what had happened. It wasn't going to leave your mind anytime soon.

As if the universe was working against you, Deuce sluggishly strolled in through the classroom door. He had circles under his eyes so dark that you could see them through his glasses. He kept his hood up, not bothering to take it off. He slung his body in the seat beside you and reclined against the chair.

You stiffened, being careful not to make eye contact with him. Your heart rate increased tremendously, scaring you from not only his advances, but for your own health. Surely it wasn't safe for you to be this scared of a guy, right? That wasn't normal, was it?

Surely not.

Deuce's eyes landed on your tight, closed off figure. His frown deepened. It wasn't fair that you could sit there with nothing wrong, and he had to go through the heartbreak.

The teacher came around and tapped on Deuce's desk. He huffed. Today was not the day to bother him.

"Take the hood off." She hummed.

"No." He snapped.

"Sir, take the hood off. I won't ask you-"

"Fuck off, fat bitch." He grumbled.

She gasped. "I'm calling the headmistress!"

"Good. Maybe I can leave this hellhole!"

Deuce grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulders. Then, he grabbed the desk chair and slung it across the room. It barely missed your desk, and you stared at him in fear. He locked eyes with you, disappointment in himself and guilt all piled up in his mind.

He didn't mean to scare you. Just like the previous night, he hadn't meant to push you away. He never meant to. But he always did. He figured it was your human status that pulled you away from him.

Who would want to be with a big, ugly, snake monster. You didn't even like snakes! You liked humans. Classic, dumb, fuck-boy, boring, plain normies. Deuce pouted as he trotted to headmistress' office. The only way to get you to love him back was for him to be normal.

He had never hated his monster race until then. He was a monster to you. You hated him for it, he was sure. The only reason you'd deny him is if he weren't your type, and humans were definitely your type.

It made sense. That's why you hung around Jackson all the time, wasn't it? You were strictly attracted to humans, and there was no room to change your mind.

Or maybe...

Maybe you were attracted to monsters. Maybe you just got scared. Humans are biologically weaker and slower than monsters. Maybe you got scared of him. But why would you be scared?

Maybe someone else was bothering you, causing you to act out?

Yeah, that was probably it. But you didn't seem jumpy in class...

Deuce knocked on headmistress' door, his thoughts still surrounding him. The door slowly creaked open, only to reveal Bloodgood sitting at her desk.

"What is the meaning of your attitude, Mister Gorgon?"

"She told me to take off the hood. I don't want to."

"It's just a hood."

"I don't want it off."

"Take it off."


Deuce was getting more aggressive by the second. Bloodgood noticed, and she lowered her temper back to normal.

"Why can't you?"

He sighed and slowly removed it, revealing his chopped off and still bleeding snake stump on his head. He had bandaged it poorly, allowing it to still bleed furiously. She gasped silently.

"What happened?" She asked, jumping up to inspect it.

Deuce shoved her away. "Get outta my face!"

Bloodgood choked back punishments she thought of and nodded. "You are stressed, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah. But-"

"Go home and rest for 3 days. If I see you here, you're getting suspended. If this is your attitude, then we can't have it in the school building. Now go."

Deuce didn't have to be told twice. He grabbed his bag and strutted out to the courtyard. His face relaxed a little as he continued his walk. He didn't know what to do without school. The empty spaces in his schedule bothered him, and he was confused as to what to do.

He ended up at your dorm, standing outside the doorway as if you were going to open the door. He frowned. Deuce knew you were still at school. What was he thinking?

He exhaled and stalked off, his bag still slung over his shoulders. He couldn't bare to be away from you for too long. He had already gotten too comfortable with your presence. Without you there, he physically hurt.

He decided he'd have to come back later.

But I bet she won't let us in.

But if she doesn't know, then what would it matter?

He silently smiled. He would finally get to be around you without scaring you off! But where would he hide? And how would get get in?

The fire escape, maybe? The window? Maybe you leave your door unlocked? Every idea he thought of had a downfall to it. He was never good at planning. But this time he had to be good at it if he wanted to see you again.

He dropped his bag off at home before checking the time. You still had 20 more minutes until school was over, meaning you'd get to the dorm shortly afterwards. He smiled a bit more.

He'd have to get there before you, of course. So he jogged his way to your dorm again, all while planning on how to break in.

For once in his life, he agreed that he had lost control.

Yandere Deuce Gorgon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now