Chapter 24:

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You weren't sure when you had woken up, but when you did, you were alone in bed. Deuce must've gone off to school, leaving you by yourself in his house. Your restraints prevented you from making much movement, meaning the idea of escape was pointless.

There wasn't a sound in the room. Not even the sound of a car passing by reached your ears. Slowly, they began to ring from the uncomfortable silence.

You shook your head, your mind foggy and in a daze. The events that had taken place just the previous night seemed impossible, yet there you were, strapped to the bed as if he had no intention of letting you go.

The thought severely disturbed you.

You were surprised at yourself. You reacted well to waking up to being kidnapped as if it hadn't quite phased you yet.

You slowly began to wake up. You were kidnapped. No hope of getting out.

A loud thump could be heard against the wall, and you jumped. Panic rose into your throat. Memories of Deuce throwing Jackson in the back of the car washed over you, and the realization hit.

"Jackson?" You called. "Jackson?!"

You began furiously screaming his name, trying to get some form of response. Another thump came.

"Hey!" You smiled as tears pricked your eyes. "Hey!"

Another thump.

You wiggled around, trying to get a feel of the cuffs you had on. Nothing seemed to move. You noticed the heaviness on your ankle before looking down.

You remembered they were bolted, but you couldn't quite tell how heavy-duty the cuffs were until then. They looked like they had been carved from stone.

You sighed loudly when you realised he had probably, quite literally, turned them to stone. You whined before pulling on it. It didn't snap, the thin stone staying together unbelievably well. Not even a crack bothered the cuff.

"I can't get loose, Jackson! Can you help me?"

There was a pause, and you swallowed hard. How badly did Deuce hurt Jackson? You remembered very little, making it more frustrating for you.

Instead of a thump, there came a quiet knock. You closed your eyes, certain that he wasn't okay. Horrors of what Deuce had done to him filled your mind.

Guilt began to nip at you, tearing into your soul as if it was a feral dog. "I'm sorry..." You sobbed. "I'm sorry I got you in my mess."

You stopped. No. You weren't some victim. There was always a way.

You looked around, searching for some kind of way out. Perhaps you could break the bed?

But what would that accomplish? No escape and a harsh punishment? Reality hit you like a truck. There was no way out.

You'd have to sit and wait for Deuce.

Deuce tapped his foot impatiently. His head rested on his arm, the desk holding him up as he fidgety with his eraser.

He had to get home. He had to see you. What if you had escaped? What if you had died? What if Jackson had escaped? He wasn't sure why the scenarios were so pestering. Everything was fine. He had filled you both up with enough drugs to keep you behaving for a few days, there wasn't a chance that you would escape.

Maybe he was so interested in you, he just needed excuses to go see you.

He smiled. That was it. He just wanted to see you.

He raised his hand. "Can I go to the bathroom?" He blurted.

The teacher stopped her lecture and sighed. "Yes, Deuce. Go."

He grabbed his bag and stood before making his way from the classroom. He found his car and slid into the seat to begin his drive home.

He had sped the entire way to the house, trying to keep his impatience to himself and not act on his urge to swerve around every car to get home faster.

Once he had finally arrived, he jumped from his seat and rushed inside. He jogged through the house and to his bedroom. You were laying still with your eyes closed. You had managed to fall asleep again.

He smiled widely and chuckled to himself. You were so sweet, with your eyes closed and your mouth slightly open to allow you to breathe. He figured he'd check on Jackson, and he turned to his mom's room and opened the door.

Jackson laid in the same spot as he did the night before. He was in too much pain to really do much of anything besides knock on the wall that was shared between the bedrooms.

Deuce nodded to Jackson, who lethargically rolled to see who had opened his door. His heart sank when he saw who had disturbed him.

"What you doing?" Deuce leaned against the doorframe, confident that Jackson wouldn't make an escape attempt. "Just laying there? Just letting yourself rot?"

Deuce let out a loud laugh. "A real man would help (Y/N) escape. A real man would get up and fight. But not you, right? Not poor, hurting Jackson."

He shut the door soon after, not satisfied with his lack of response from the injured man that sat on the bed.

He watched you carefully, wanting nothing more than to have your full attention, but not wanting to wake you from your nap. He knew you hadn't slept well the night before. Deuce figured he'd play some games until you woke up. That way, he could pass the time.

Deuce turned on his console and sat on the floor. Oh, how he couldn't wait for you to wake.

Yandere Deuce Gorgon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now