Chapter 23:

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You watched with tears in your eyes as Deuce cuffed your ankle to his bedframe. He moved to your other ankle, using a chain and 2 handcuffs he had broken to fit the short, heavy duty metal that kept you on the mattress.

You wiggled your feet around, finally becoming a bit more sober. Deuce seemed to notice this, and as he finished he began his walk to his mom's bathroom.

He opened her bathroom sink mirror and grabbed a pill bottle. He was looking for a opioid or pain pill. He preferred Oxycodone, something strong enough to keep you docile a little while longer.

He found exactly what he was looking for, and he pocketed the bottle. He figured she wouldn't notice, she'd be gone for months with her new boyfriend anyway.

He returned to you with a glass of water and a pill in his hand.

"Open, it's Tylenol." He said. "For your head."

"It do-on't hurt!" You sobbed.

"Yes it does. Take it." He instructed.

You opened and he pushed the pill past your lips gently, his thumb retracting as soon as you had it on your tongue. He fed you the water next, catching extra drops that fell from your mouth.

Once you had swallowed, Deuce licked the water from his hand. He smiled widely. It was like a kiss!

"You're fucking we-eird, dude." You hiccupped.

He let out a dry chuckle, knowing that it was just the alcohol making you say such silly things. He knew you didn't actually mean it!

"Those feel good?" He asked, wiggling around the chain as you laid on the bed.

You moved your foot around, testing out its durability and length. It seemed to go far enough to allow you to be comfortable, but you didn't think you'd be able to get out of it by how strong it held on.

Your arms were stuck to the headboard. He didn't allow for them to stretch far, knowing you could easily undo everything he had worked so hard for.

As for Deuce's plan, he didn't really have one. He figured he would lie until he could move out with you. He also wanted to keep you as sweet and useless as possible, thinking and doing things was his job. So he figured he would continue to give you the pills until you could listen and not rebel.

"When can I get up?" You asked.

"You can't, at least not for a long time."


"Because I need you to listen to me, and you won't do that if I let you free."

"What if I promise?"


"What if I pinky promise?"

"No, (Y/N)."


Your stomach began to turn, and you wiggled your feet before whining out.

"I gotta....throw up." You burped.



Deuce grabbed a nearby trashcan and held it up for you. You spilled your insides, the stench of the alcohol causing your body more stress.

Once you had finished, he carefully took the trashcan back and wiped your mouth with his thumb.

"I'll be right back." He said. "I've got more business to do."

Deuce left you and made his way to the back of the car. He opened the back seat and stared at Jackson for a moment. Jackson was asleep, his breathing ragged and barely there. He didn't seem to be dead, his back rose and fell with every breath he took. He was unconscious at the worst.

"Get up." Deuce landed a harsh slap against Jackson's head. Jackson opened his eyes, unable to move his body much from the amount of pain he was in.

Jackson slowly pushed himself up, sitting upright in the car that Deuce had brought him in.

Deuce grabbed him by his shirt and jerked him from the vehicle. He dragged Jackson into the house and up the flight of stairs that led to Deuce's room.

Deuce hesitated to open his bedroom door. He didn't want Jackson near you. He looked to his mom's room.

It was going to be empty for a while, so why not? He was sire he could move Jackson before his mother got back.

Deuce threw him in the room and shut the door. She could handle him in a moment, Deuce had to check on you.

You were in the same position he left you in. This time, however, there were tears running down your precious face.

He rushed to you and wiped the tears. You shook your head to rid yourself of him, but failed. Deuce held your head still and planted multiple kisses along your jawline.

"Baby, it's okay! It's okay, I promise!"

"Leave me alone!" You sobbed loudly.

"Come on, don't be that way."


Deuce Kissed your forehead and immediately retracted himself. No wonder you were fussy, your head was hot! It must've been a side effect of the medicine.

Deuce left the room immediately to get you a cold, wet rag. He returned and placed it on your head.

You exhaled as the cold finally helped ease your forming migraine.

After the rag had become warm, he gently rubbed away your makeup. He gave you another kiss, this time on your forehead, before turning out the light.

Deuce curled up in the bed beside you, holding onto you like he had been dreaming of.

"Goodnight." He mumbled.

You didn't reply.

Yandere Deuce Gorgon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now