Chapter 22:

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You and Jackson stood around awkwardly. You held a cup of liquor in your hands, and he held a plain soda. You gave him a tight-lipped smile before glancing around the room. Deuce was somewhere, you just couldn't find him anymore after he disappeared into the crowd.

You took a long sip from the cup you held.

Deuce saw you from the couch on the other side of the room. Cleo slinked her arm around him, and he gave her a harsh shove.

She backed off, leaving Deuce by himself.

You turned to Jackson, who looked around uncomfortably.

"Wanna go to the kitchen? It's less crowded there." You asked, knowing he'd agree.

"Yes, please." He begged, and you led him to the kitchen of the house.

You stayed there for a moment, making small conversation with Jackson about school and other things.

By the time you had talked about everything possible, you were starting to feel the alcohol.

With your body buzzed and your vision blurred, you tugged at Jackson's sleeve.

"I've got to go use the bathroom. Can you come with me and stand outside?" You pouted.

"Yeah, of course." He replied. "I've got to go, too."

Jackson took a hold on your hand, being careful as he led you through the crowd of teenagers and upstairs to the restroom. You allowed him to go first. He went inside, leaving you alone in the hallway as you waited patiently for him to finish.

Deuce stalked by you, being sure to eye you as he passed.

"Hey." You slurred, and you steadied yourself against the wall.

"Yeah, baby?" He cooed.

Deuce took note of your drunken state, feeling like it was his opportunity to wow you into his arms.

"Don't, ugh, don't call me that!" You pointed an accusing finger in his direction. "Don't use those words on me."

He slowly intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling you closer to him as you squirmed in his grasp.

"Why'd you call me over here, then?"

"Because you're...a bad man."

"A bad man? And Jackson isn't?"


"I heard him talking to other men about fucking you. He went into detail about how tight your pussy is."

"No, he didn't!"

"Yes, he did."

Deuce knew he could say whatever he wanted to and you'd believe it. It was his entire plan. Maybe then you'd stay away from him and fall into Deuce's arms.

"(Y/N), I'm out." A voice called from behind you.

You turned around and leapt away from Deuce. "Yay! Potty break!"

You did a small dance as you shuffled into the bathroom. You locked the door behind you and steadied yourself against the sink.

It was the sound of the wood breaking that caught your attention. Before you could even realize what was happening, the door burst down into splinters. Deuce had Jackson on the ground as he fearlessly punched him repeatedly. You jumped in the tub, trying to put as much space between you two as possible.

Deuce didn't stop until Jackson screamed out, then, he wrapped his fingers around a pole in the shower and ripped it from the wall. Water sprayed down on top of you as you watched Deuce beat Jackson relentlessly with the pole.

With your makeup smeared from water and tears, you croaked out Jackson's name.

Deuce didn't stop until Jackson was deformed. His face caved in, and you couldn't tell the difference between his eyes and his nose.

Deuce stood and took a breather. Then, his eyes landed on you.

You sat in the tub with your makeup running and a fearful expression on your face.

His heart softened at the sight of you, he hadn't meant to scare you.

But now he had to finish what he started.

"Stand up." He demanded, and you struggled to get on your feet.

You climbed out of the tub and balanced your legs before pulling yourself up. Deuce grabbed a hold of you and pulled you into his chest. He leaned down to whisper in your ear.

"You'll be okay as long as you listen to me. Understand?"

You nodded drunkenly.

He led you out of the bathroom and down the flight of stairs to the livingroom. He held you close, being sure that no one could take you.

He then led you to the car and opened the door.

"I-I can't climb." You said.

He lofted you under your bottom and sat you in the car. Then, he leaned across and buckled you. He shut the door and locked it with his key fob.

You stayed put, knowing you couldn't escape him while under the influence.

He brought Jackson out a few moments later and shoved him in the back.

"We ready?" He asked you as he sat in the driver's seat.

You nodded, and he began the drive.

Yandere Deuce Gorgon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now