Chapter 21:

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You sat in class with a bored expression on your face. You waited impatiently for the teacher to stop talking, desperate to go to lunch so you could fill your empty, growling stomach. You tapped your pen anxiously. If only the teacher would hurry up.

Deuce sat behind you, his fingers itching to pick up a piece of your hair and run it through his fingers. He wanted you so bad, but he kept his demeanor as best as he could and ignored all the strange stares he received from his classmates. Everyone knew of his strange crush, but he couldn't care. It actually fueled him. If everyone knew, why stop?

His thoughts were snapped from his mind when the bell rang, signaling the end of class. You quickly grabbed your bag and shoved your note items in it. You were fast to stand and make your way to the door. Deuce, who hadn't even gotten his things out to begin with, jumped up to follow. He watched as another student approached you.

"Hey!" She said, and she stopped to catch her breath before talking. "There's a party at Manny's house. You should totally come!"

"When is it?" You asked.


She then hurriedly left, knowing that if a teacher were to catch her talking about a party it would be the end of their fun. You hummed and carefully made your way through the halls.

Deuce followed, unfazed by the whispers that surrounded you. You lowered your head, almost ashamed that you were being stalked.

He held a proud smirk on his face as he lazily shoved his hands in his pocket. He walked lethargically, not giving so much as a single care in the world.

The only thing that could possibly bother him would be the party you were invited to. He didn't want you to go, you'd be surrounded by men that would try to get with you. He shivered at the thought, disturbed by the images that flashed in his mind. No, you wouldn't go.

Of course you wouldn't go. You didn't like such big events, anyway. He was certain you wouldn't go. He knew you wouldn't.

Jackson met up with you at the fountain closest to your locker before giving you a bright smile. His eyes flashed to Deuce momentarily. Deuce nodded his head as a hello, and Jackson quickly looked away.

"I got invited to a party." You said. "Wanna go with me?"

Deuce felt the air being knocked from his lungs. You actually wanted to go to the party? You actually wanted to be around those people?

That was fine. It was okay, he had to convince himself of that. He would go with you as well, just to be sure that everything turned out okay.

Jackson nodded. "Yeah, I'd love to go with you."

Deuce felt another punch hit his gut. Why would Jackson want to go? Unless....

Unless he had a thing for you.

Deuce squinted as he walked behind you. That thing that Jackson had for you had to go. Jackson in general had to go. That wasn't questionable.

Deuce would save you from this party. He knew he would.

Tomorrow came quickly, and you rushed to get ready for the party. Jackson sat at your dorm, watching you run back and forth in order to find everything you needed. He laughed slightly when you stumbled over your messy floor.

"Do you think we're ready now?" You asked as you fumbled through your purse, desperate to find your phone charger.

"We? I've been waiting on you!" Jackson joked, and he stood to his feet. "Come on, let's go."

You smiled and nodded, and together you left to the party.

You walked down the street, chatting with Jackson about what the party would hold for the two of you. Your nerves ate at your gut, and you fiddled with the strap of your purse as you walked.

You approached the large house with a sigh. You and Jackson shared a glance before looking around the yard. Confetti littered the lawn, and passed out monsters laid in the grass. It was loud and obnoxious, something you were uncomfortable with. You decided you couldn't stay cooped up in your dorm forever, so you inhaled deeply and grabbed onto Jackson's sleeve.

"Come on." You said. "Let's go inside."

"You sure?" He asked. "I-It's not too late to turn around."

"Pussy." You joked with him before walking up to the door.

Deuce watched from the porch as Jackson hesitated before joining you.

"He's a bitch." Deuce mumbled.

You walked right passed him, ignoring him altogether. He felt drunk from your quick gaze. You were incredible. You were something he never could have imagined.

Deuce walked through the door after you, deciding that he had enough of you ignoring him.

He would be the center of your attention.

He had to be.

Yandere Deuce Gorgon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now