Prologue Part 1

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1995 - Rose's POV

Cleaning the tables and chairs in the front of the Orpheum, I sway my hips a little and bob my head to the song being played by Sunset Curve. I've never heard of them, but they're clearly going to be big soon, especially after performing here. Everyone who's ever played here ends up being huge. Legends, in fact.

"Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising up right now
And even if we hit the ground
We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never
It's now or never (Now or never)" That's got a good beat. I've been in more than one band, and the reason I keep going back to it is because I put all my passion into the songs. And this band has just as much passion; it's amazing to watch.

"You boys were amazing up there." I say as soon as they finish the song and hop off the stage. They're all sweaty and gross from the stage lights, so I keep my distance when I tell them how good they are. "I've seen a lot of bands. Been in a few myself. I was really feeling it."

"Oh, here's a demo and a t-shirt, size beautiful." Wow, he's a charmer. The guy with a leather jacket and dark hair holds out the items, and I take them with a big smile on my face.

"Thanks. I'll make sure not to wipe the tables down with this one." Some of them, honestly, look bad enough to do that with. But this one, even though it's four sizes too big and just a plain white shirt with their logo in black, I actually like. I can bedazzle or tie-dye it later, when I go back to my shared apartment. There are four girls, including me, that live there and, since we all tend to work different nights at the Orpheum, it's not too bad.

"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend that. When they get wet, they just kind of... fall apart in your hands." Clearly, he's not one that's smooth with the ladies.

"I'm Luke, by the way." The lead singer extends his hand, which I take politely, and it's not as sweaty as I thought it'd be.

"I'm Reggie." So, that's what his name is.

"Alex." He does not have a way with words, if I do say so myself.

"Bobby," The last boy in their group says with a smile.

"Nice to meet all of you. I'm Rose."

"Well, we're going to go get street dogs now." Luke walks away, but Bobby sticks behind.

"Never been a fan of street dogs." Honestly, if you find the right place, they're pretty good.

"You just have to find the right place." I shrug, wiping down the table furthest from the entrance. "You should get some food, though, before your performance."

"Do you want to join me?" The offer takes me a little by surprise, so I don't exactly know how to react.

"My break is in five minutes." I remember, after finding the clock on the wall to the right of the stage. I almost always have the latest break, but I've never minded because I get to listen to soundchecks most nights. The music always fills the room with life, even if it's just myself and the band in it, which is how it is during most soundchecks.

"I can wait." I roll my eyes, moving to the back room to start wiping down chairs that will be placed in rows throughout the main area, but Julie will be back any moment to take over for me. She's one of my best friends, even though we don't live together. If I ever have a little girl, I want her to have that name.

"Rose! Go get that boy in the main area. I've got this. You've got a date." Goodness, Julie, I'm going.

"Alright. Alec said we need two hundred chairs tonight." She nods as I relay the rest of what I've done since she left half an hour ago, and with that, I'm scooted out of the room to go on a "date". It's not my soulmate, at least I don't think so. I would know if one of them was my soulmate. Right? My mama always talked about how she felt this instant connection with dad, her soulmate, the moment they saw each other. Safe to say I've never felt anything with anyone I've ever met, whether it be a guy or girl.

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