Chapter 28

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Brushing blush onto my cheeks one last time, I fidget in my seat, wondering where the boys could possibly be. They promised me they would be here, and they know how hard I've worked to get here. 

This is our last chance to play for an audience before we die. 

"Jules, I just had sushi with Brendon Urie." Flynn barges into my green room, over the moon. "Oh, and I almost forgot; this is Daniel Romero, my soulmate." Behind her is a good-looking guy who is at least a foot taller than her with the same distinct mark on his wrist, from what I can tell. "Daniel, this is Julie Molina, my best friend." 

"Hi Julie, it's nice to finally meet you." Daniel extends his hand, and I realize he's a lefty, even if his mark is on his right hand. It feels almost foreign to shake with my left hand, but I manage to remind my brain to use my left hand instead of doing that awkward dance where no one knows which hand to use to shake. 

"It's nice to meet you, too. Are you staying for the concert?" I ask, knowing the boys still aren't here. For one, I'd be able to hear them if they were around. They're too loud and rambunctious; staying quiet is one thing I know they can't do for very long. 

"I am. I heard your band was playing. You guys are amazing." It seems Daniel really is as great as Flynn described. He's polite, good-mannered, and I can tell, just by looking at him, that he adores Flynn. "Your videos online were fantastic. I can't wait to see you guys play." 

"Thanks." Somehow, his words seem to soothe some of the nerves in my body, making me feel like my music is worth it. On top of that, knowing Flynn will have someone around to help her once I'm gone makes me feel a lot better. Daniel will be good for her. 

"I'm going to go sit in the audience." Daniel kisses Flynn's cheek, leaving the two of us in the green room alone. 

"So, are the guys here yet?" Looking around, I already know that they're not here, but that doesn't stop me from checking. 

"Not yet." And, with only five minutes until I'm expected to be on stage, my heart and mind start to race. I don't know where they are, why they're not here, and I know they're not gone yet—at least, they shouldn't be gone since I'm not. A tear slides down my cheek before I even notice my eyes are burning from the salt. 

"Jules, they'll be here. I promise." Flynn wraps her arms around me, and it feels a little comforting to know she still wants me to succeed, even on the last day I'll be alive. 

"I don't know, Flynn. What if they went and sold their souls to that evil man to ensure they wouldn't die? Or they're already gone and I just don't know it yet?" I start blabbing things that could've happened, but saying them aloud doesn't bring me any sense of comfort. "I need— I need to get some air." Walking out of the room, I find the back door, feeling a couple more tears fall. 

"Jules!" Flynn's voice rings out behind me, but I don't pay it any attention. 

Mom, why can't you come pick me up and hold me and tell me everything will be okay? 

Looking up to the stars, I can only hope they've found their soulmates and not passed on. A woman walking by seems to notice my tears and hands me one of the dahlias in her bouquet. Even though it's nothing close to actually having my mother here with me, getting her favorite flower seems to be a sign that I am strong and, no matter what, I will get through this. Holding the flower up to my nose, I take in the beautiful scent and my whole body feels rejuvenated. You can do this, Julie. 

Walking back into the Orpheum, I hold the flower to my chest and summon the confidence I need to slay this thing. 

"Signs!" I show her the flower, walking onto the stage. The guys might not be here, but this is just as much for me as it is for them. 

Melody - JATP x Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now