Chapter 1

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"So, Julie, what are you playing for music class today?" Flynn walks up to my locker, where I'm shoving my science textbooks in and trying to gather the strength to put my fingers on the keys of the piano. So far, the attempt is failing.

"I'll know when I get in there." I don't even have to see her to know that she's holding a face of disappointment. I already know she is, and seeing it doesn't help my feeling of dread at being required to play today. Flynn's already performed, and quite well at that. I wish I could again, although that feels like a lost cause.

"Julie! Mrs. Harrison said this is your last chance." I was there, Flynn. Don't worry, I know how grave the situation is.

"I know, I was there," I remind her, but her look of annoyance at my inability to pick a song to play doesn't disappear.

"If you don't play, then you'll get kicked out of music." No need to remind me, Flynn.

"Flynn—" I start, before hearing Carrie advocating for her performance tomorrow. Advocating is putting it nicely, though. She's handing out flyers and saying that people should come.

"Hi, girls." Hi to you, too. "My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow." Don't remind me. The stupid spirit rally is nothing more than advocating for sports programs and a chance for the really good groups in music to perform in front of more than just the class. It's also Carrie's ticket to continue for the semester instead of being booted from the program.

"Oh my gosh, Carrie. Thanks!" Wow, Flynn. I'm impressed. You managed to make it sound like you'd rather die than go to the pep rally.

"Oh my gosh Flynn, don't bother coming." Yeah... This is one of our better conversations with her. I have no idea why she started to hate the both of us, but once she starts treating you like the scum on the bottom of her shoe, it's hard not to do the same back.

It's only seconds after Carrie leaves that Flynn crumples up the flyer and tosses it towards her back, almost hitting her. That's when my eyes finally hit Nick. He's perfect. Good grades, amazing at lacrosse, plays guitar, cuter than most guys at this school. His only flaw: he's dating Carrie Wilson. He's way too good for her, in my opinion. Although, I think every guy at this school is too good for her. And there are plenty of undateable guys here between the geeks and nerds at Los Feliz. In my opinion, of course.

"Nick?" Flynn asks, noticing my dreamy stare in his direction. "He's dating Carrie."

"I know." Don't remind me.

"One day, they're going to get married and have demon babies." Nick could never have a demon child. He's too perfect for that.

"Nick's a sweetheart." I'm not wrong.

"Only one of them has to be a demon to make demon babies." Flynn points out, and I can't argue with her logic much. "Demon!" Flynn! We both burst out laughing, even though I'm positive Carrie is sending glares in our direction. That's when the warning bell rings and we both race to Mrs. Harrison's class, where I finally let reality sink in.

If I don't perform today, I'll be kicked out of the music program until next semester. If I'm being honest, I haven't practiced in a year. Every time I try to write a song, play a note on the piano, or sing, it's as if my body freezes. It all feels wrong. I'm the last person to perform today, so if I magically get inspired by one of the other performances, I could save myself. Otherwise, it's useless. There's no way I can stay in the music program anymore.

After Kayla, Penelope, and Nick go, it's my turn. And, no, I was not inspired. Nick's performance was amazing, just not what I needed to hear to convince myself to play music again. Mrs. Harrison calls my name and all I feel is dread. As soon as I sit on the piano bench, it's as if my fingers have no idea what to do. So, instead of playing, I run out of the room, humiliated and completely aware that I will be kicked out of the music program.

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