Chapter 9

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"Jules, how could you not mention the most important piece of information ever?" Flynn, you're being a bit dramatic. What are you even talking about? It's one AM.

"Flynn, what are you-" She cuts me off as I ask the question, still not pulling me out of my sleepy haze.

"That you, I don't know, have a dead soulmate?" Oh, that. I told you about these guys yesterday. And not the one that ended an hour ago, The day before that.

"I was kind of hoping you'd piece it together yourself?" That or I just really wasn't looking forward to this talk. "To be honest, Flynn, I-"

"Oh, you don't just get to dump this information on me now." Flynn, you are the one that's up at one in the morning. I didn't choose this. "How could you not tell me? I'm your best friend."

"I know, Flynn. I didn't want the pity or the interrogation you're probably about to give me." Which is the full truth. Sure, I was hoping she'd figure it out on her own, but I was grateful she didn't when she found out about the guys. Looks like that was just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.

"Well, I won't interrogate you, but can you see any of their marks?" I've never bothered with trying. I know for sure it's not Alex, with him being gay and all, but with Reggie and Luke, that's not the case. I'm more than positive they're attracted to the other gender.

"I've never tried to look except for when I met them." Everyone and their mothers knows you can't see it the first time you meet them, unless they were already binded. "Nothing on their wrists."

"Yeah, well, they're ghosts. What more did you expect?" Secretly, part of me was hoping I could see one or more of their marks. That the legends of only the soulmate-less are the ones condemned to ghosthood. "I mean, I didn't really believe before all of this, but I sure as hell do now."

"Well, Flynn, I want to get some sleep. Goodnight." Hanging up, I feel an overwhelming urge to let the tears fall. But this time, unlike the previous dozen, I do. It's not fair I'm doomed to be part of the small portion of the population who has a ghost soulmate. And a large part of those with a dead soulmate who will never bind because of it.

Why should I have a heavy heart?
Why should I start to break in pieces?
Why should I go and fall apart for you?
Why should I play the grieving girl and lie?
Saying that I miss you?
And that my world has gone dark without your light?

My pillow is nearly flooded with tears by the time I finally fall asleep, slowly shutting out the ideas that I can't and won't ever find my soulmate. It's only in the morning, after seeing my puffy and red eyes, that I decide I need a little time to myself to collect my thoughts, write in my soulmate diary, and finish my homework before facing the irritable ghosts.

They don't seem to have the same idea. I'm lucky I decided to put a little witch hazel under my eyes and eye drops to make the crying less visible. It seems to work, too, because none of the three immature idiots question anything.

"So, Julie, when are we working on our songs?" Luke lays on my bed, looking in my direction when I turn and face my desk. Maybe if I don't look at them, it won't remind me as much about the fate I'm destined to have. Wait, haven't they figured out the reason I can see them? Or have they just been pushing it down like I am?

"I need to do homework." Opening my binder, I realize how much of a lie that really is. I finished everything for calculus before the end of school on Friday, and the rest of my classes not long after I got home.

"Please?" Don't look back, Julie Molina. You'll regret it. "Come on, Julie."

"Well, I'm going to Pasadena. Maybe find some cool mansion to haunt." Oh, the irony of that statement goes completely over Reggie's head. When I said that before, I meant it completely as a joke to get him out of my face. He doesn't really know the difference between when someone's being serious or telling a joke. Part of his charm, I guess. "Alex, you want to come?"

Melody - JATP x Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now