Chapter 27

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Luke's POV

Wandering through Julie's house one last time while it's empty, the memories of when we'd eat dinner together every Sunday night, play games in the family room, and nearly shatter the windows with how loud we were playing our music start to resurface. It took twenty-five years in that dark room to forget them, and an instant to remember.

Walking up the stairs, I find the one wooden platform that's a little different from the rest—it had rotted and Reggie nearly fell through when we were playing tag indoors. I do not recommend doing that ever, no matter how much fun we had. My feet, against the willpower of my mind, take me to Julie's room, more specifically to her diaries.

Taking the first one from the shelf, I don't really know what to expect. On the front, in gold lettering, is Julie's name and a beautiful message I wish I could turn into a song.

Repeat these words and tell yourself you're perfect

Opening the first page, despite knowing that Julie would kill me if I read her books—whatever they might be—I start to read her beautiful handwriting.

Hi, Julie Sofia Molina here.

If you're not my soulmate, I suggest you put the book down now before I figure out you've been reading this. This is the one thing I can't ever forgive, no matter how much time passes.

If you are, I'm sorry for the cringey entries. I already know some of them will be terrible to read, but I can't tell you why yet since it hasn't happened yet.

Well, read on!


Stickers cover the part she didn't write in, causing my lips to curl into a smile. She was really different when she started writing these. Flipping to the next page, I start to read the entries. This was meant for her soulmate, even though Mr. Covington made sure that it wasn't possible for her to bind with them.

First day as a thirteen year old was nothing short of boring. My party isn't until Saturday, so I won't get most of my gifts until then, although getting my soulmate diary had to be the best part of the day. This book was mom's gift to me, and the fun gel pens were from Carlos. Dad got my favorite picture of the whole family framed to keep in my room. There's also my favorite picture of mom and I, dad and I, and Carlos and I in the Walgreens pouch behind the frame.

**Julie, remember that's there for later.

Getting up from her desk chair, I find the pictures she's talking about, seeing her favorite pictures of her and her family. Julie looks so happy. Alright, back to the diary. Flipping a few pages in, I see the first remnants of songs.

So, in honor of my mother and father never finding their soulmates, I managed to write this. It's my first song lyrics in here, but I'm hoping there's lots more. First, I have to get into Los Feliz's music program.

There's another star out there in the universe
That aligns with yours to make you better not worse
And until you find the answer to the prayer you're saying
Just know we're there to guide you

Even at thirteen, Julie had a gift. If I wasn't a ghost, I would have asked her out in a heartbeat. Everything about her is perfect—from her laugh to how talented she is to how smart she is to how we know what the other person is thinking all the time. She's everything a guy could ask for.

Flipping a few pages, I continue to read all about her life; how she wanted to share her triumphs and defeats with the person she is destined to be with.

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