Chapter 8: War Of Many

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On the way, we stopped multiple times to refill the gas, which was the only problem with the car, it ate up gas like a lion ate it's meat. Also food stops as well. In the end, it took us a little over fifty eight hours.

Ethan got more and more anxious the closer we got. Any conversation was awkward, so a peaceful silence settled around our little merry crew.

Eventually, Clarion Hotel & Suites came into view, I turned on the blinker and turned into the parking lot. It was the middle of the night, Jess should have taken her shift an hour ago but I didn't want to wake her. Turning to look back, everyone was asleep, taking the oddest positions that would definitely leave their necks feeling like a trampoline on a trampoline park. Even Adam, who sat in the passenger seat, was sleeping.

"Wake up everybody, we're here!" I called. Due to the odd positions that they were in, they stirred at my voice.

Rubbing his eyes, Adam blinked, looking around, "We're here?"

"That's what I said," I replied, taking the key out of the ignition.

"Nex! You were supposed to wake me up an hour ago so that I could take my shift!" Jess cried. "What if you fell asleep while driving?"

"But I didn't, I had snacks. Now come on, for Ethan's sake, let's get moving before he pisses himself," I meant that as a joke, but Ethan did look like he was going to piss himself. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell if it was because he needed to go, or because we're going to get his boyfriend back. Both, both were the answers, I soon learned.

As we were getting out of the car, somebody cat called nearby. We turned, and a musty looking thirty five year old looking bitch wink at a clearly uncomfortable Cathay. It always happened to either Cathay or Jess. "Coming to a party?" the bitch asked.

Cathay sighed and shook her head, ignoring the ass. He did not like that, "Yo, teach your women to fucking listen when someone's talking!" he called to Adam.

Adam blink, then an expression of rage crossed his face once he realized what the dickwade was talking about. "What would be the best way to chase him off?" he asked us.

"Ignore," Cathay said, smiling at Adam to see that he was so angry for her.

"Can I say one thing?"

"I guess...just try not to draw too much attention to us, we're on a mission."

"Got it," turning he sent a glare towards the man. "How about you learn to take a no, because if my damn dog can understand when I say no, then so should you."

The man growled at Adam, but we ignored him and walked towards the hotel. "Okay," Ethan said as he jogged back from the bathroom. "Are you alright?" he asked Cathay, seeing our faces and the man yelling behind us.

"Yeah, guy was being a creep as usual, but we're good," replied Cathay. "Now, what do we do now?"

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