She seems nice

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It was Augustine .
What was she doing here ?
I was so confused.
I got upstairs quickly .
I opened Alice's room's door .

" Hi Inez ! " Ivy said .
" Hey Ivy , did you know Augustine was coming ? "
" WHAT ?! " Betty shouted .
"Yes ... That , but Betty be quieter " I whispered .
" How can I be quiet ?!? Inez ? HOW ?!? "
" I don't know Betty "
" Maybe it's not her , maybe she has a twin ? " Lucky Wondered .
" She doesn't . It's her . " I assured them . "
" How do you know ? " Dorothea interrogated me .
" Since she moved here , whenever she's close to me , I hear a word inside my head ... "
" What word " Betty asked me .
"Trouble "


"Hey people ! " Alice opened the door .
" We have another guest ! Her name ? August ! "

August walked in . No excitement . No " heys" . Nothing. Just pure silence .

" Yeah , this is exactly why I invited her . We're girls . We shouldn't be fighting over boys ! " Alice protested .
" Oh , look at the time I gotta go ! Sorry ... " Betty got her bag .
" No . You're not leaving . She will leave or We will all leave . " Grace pulled Betty down by the sleeve .
" Don't worry , I'm not here to stay . Now that I saw your reaction . I don't want to be here either .Bye Alice " Augustine said and left the room .
" Thanks guys , I really appreciate it . Couldn't you just go with it ? Was it that hard . "

Nobody talked .

" I'm going downstairs to bring food . "
Alice said .
"I'll come with you " I said and followed her .
When we got downstairs it was awfully quiet .
" So , why did you do it? Why did you invite her ?"
" She was lonely , didn't have any friends . Reminded me of someone... "
" I have friends "
"Before you met me"
"Ok fine , I see your point but she was flirting with James ! "
" This was like five months ago! And she told me she's sorry ! " Alice argued .
" Hey guys" Betty said getting down the stairs .
" I'm sorry about my attitude , alice if it's isn't too much trouble ... I'd love August spend time with us .  "
" Really ? Are you sure ? " Alice said .
" I am , I misjudged her she seems nice . "
"GREAT I'LL CALL HER ! " Alice said way too excited . She liked being around a lot of people . Which was weird because I hated people .

The Rumors From Inez ( Taylor Swift Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now