The rumours from Inez

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" So , what is it ? " Betty asked me .
" Look ... I don't want to tell you but I feel like you have the right to know ... Remember Prom ? " I started .
" Sure ... "
" Well , when you asked me where August was I lied ... She took James home ... After your fight ... James told her you were broken up ... and she believed him ... Long story short , They're now sleeping together... "I finished . At first I saw Betty really hurt maybe shed a tear or two , but seconds later I saw a smile forming in her face
" It's ok ... People like people and sometimes they change their minds ... If he doesn't like me that's fine ... I'm just sad about August ... He's using her you know .... "
" Yeah I know ...I hope she finds out ... Can I ask you something personal ? "
I asked her .
" Of course ! We've been sharing our secrets since we were five !!! "
" Fair enough ... Umm... Ok here it goes ... Are you going to comfort her ? August I mean... She can't just slip away with this , like a bottle of wine ! "
" I don't want to but I have to ... I'm not mad at her she's only seventeen she doesn't know anything ... I'm going to text her right now ... I want you with me . "

We sat on her bed and she started texting

Hey August ! Can you talk ?

Of course I can ! What you
wanna talk 'bout ? Boys ? Movies ?
I heard there's a new Dr strange coming out !

Actually we need to talk about James ....

I know you're sleeping with him ... I'm okay with it but I want you to know that he's using you . When you started flirting with him I was jealous of you but then I realized... It wasn't just you it was every girl he flirted with ... It was too much for me to handle . And I just want you to know that I'm sorry if you ever go through the same thing ...Good bye.

I'm sorry ...

I noticed a tear coming down Betty's cheek but she wiped it off. She truly loved James yet he didn't love her ...
" I'm texting James ... I have to comfort him... He's coming here . " Betty got up .
" Can I stay ? PLEASE ? " I asked her . I was upset with him and I didn't want to see his face but I had to know how it went .

The Rumors From Inez ( Taylor Swift Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now