Ripped up my prom dress

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The squad and I got to school . Everything was amazing . Dorothea organised everything . She was kind of a control freak but I loved her for that . The lighting , the music ,the decorations , everything was perfect .
I got out of the car first so I could take pictures of everyone . Betty came out of the car second looked amazing , like a supermodel. I took like five million pictures of each person . We got inside . Everything was perfect .  Suddenly I got dizzy . Everything was blurry . My head was spinning like


"Inez ? Are you ok ? Inez ? Can you hear me ?! " Alice shook me .
I could hear " The moment I knew" by Taylor swift playing on the speakers , but that was the only thing I could hear . Everything went back to normal .
" Yeah ? What ? I'm fine. " I said trying to focus .
" Really ? Because two seconds ago you seemed like you were ready to die . "
" Yeah no , I'm fine . "
" Ok ... Do you want to sit down ? Or maybe drink some water ? "
" No , really , I'm fine ! Let's go dance ! " I took her hand .

Enchanted started playing .

We danced
We danced and it felt like forever
We were dancing with our hands died
Never letting go
I loved her so much
She was my best friend
Moments like these were the ones
I should keep

...Please don't be in love with someone else...

Not others
Like girl fights or the stupid boyfriend I had at fifteen

... I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home ...

These three minutes felt like an eternity
Not in a bad way
But in a very good way

...I was enchanted to meet you ...

That was when I saw them
Betty and James
But they were not laughing, nor dancing , nor kissing as always
They were fighting
Nobody saw them or heard them
That was good because that asshole
Would have humiliated Betty

...This was the very first page , not where the story line ends...

Then , I saw Betty leaving him
She went to dance with her best friend
Everyone liked him
Why couldn't she just date him ?
I got distracted again....
James stayed at the bench
The song changed
Miss Americana and the heartbreak prince started playing
It was their song
James would go apologize ...
Right ?
James got up .
But he didn't go inside
He went outside
I had to know what he was up to
So I left Alice telling her I had to take some fresh air
And I followed him

The Rumors From Inez ( Taylor Swift Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now