...Ready for it ?

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Alice called August and August agreed. After 15 minutes she knocked the door . Betty opened it .
" Hi , I'm so so so sorry for being so mean and cold , and a bitch . Honestly I'm nothing like that . I don't know what got into me . I'm so so so so so so so so sorry . Can we be friends ? Also can I hug you you seem hugable and I tend to hug people . " She said .
" Hi .... No I'm sorry , I shouldn't have hit on your boyfriend and I hope you can forgive me . Also yes , I want to be friends and yes I'd love a hug . "
They hugged .

I didn't know girls were so forgiving
Honestly , I had no idea
Either I'm really happy for them

When we got upstairs we put on music and started the show . First of all . DRESSES .

All dresses were amazing . One better than the others. 

But mine was the best. It was Green and it had little flowers on the waist and the shoulders ( See next chapter ) .

After we put on our dresses we did our hair . I put my red hair in braids . Betty did her significant buns , Grace put tons of gel to keep them behind and all the others kept them down .

After that we put on some make up and we were ready to go .
We got downstairs .
" Ready girls ? " Ivy asked us .
" READY FOR IT " Me and Alice screamed . It was our little inside joke . We laughed . Then we went outside .
" Let's take my car !" August said .
" Really ? Are you sure ? " Betty said .
" That's so sweet of you "
" It's really nothing . " August said .
" Ok then sure ! " Everybody agreed .

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