James, get in, let's drive

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I went outside. James was smoking.

Gosh he is such a bad influence

I saw a car coming closer and closer.
I couldn't see very clear but I could recognize the voice of the person Talking to him.
It was Augustine.
" Hi, August. " He said.
" Hi, James... Shouldn't you be inside? With your girlfriend? " August asked him.
" Yeah... No...We kinda broke up "  James lied.
" What? Really? I should go talk to her! " August said unplugging her seatbelt.
" No .... Don't worry she's fine. Anyway ...my phone died ... That means I can't call my parents to come and get me ... So... Do you mind taking me home? "

Please say no
Please say no

"Uh... Yeah... Sure why not " August accepted.

Get in the car! " She said.
I panicked

What do I do?
Do I interrupt them?
Or do I just let it go?
Betty and August we're friends
Nothing was going to happen between her and James
Ugh James
I hate him
I have to tell Betty
No, If you say anything to her I will kill you
Shut up weirdo
Let it go

I said to myself putting an end to that conversation. I got back inside.
" Inez! Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you" Alice told when she found me.
" I just needed to get some fresh air, nothing special," I said the first thing that came to mind. 
" Hey guys, have you seen James? I'm worried about him... " Betty joined us.
" No... Sorry, Betty... " I lied. I couldn't tell her what happened.
" How about August? Have you seen her? "

Cover for her

"I saw her leaving.  She told me she was tired. " I lied again. Why? I don't know.
" Can we go home? It's pretty late almost 2 am" Betty asked us.
" Sure we'll call a cab. Where's everybody else "

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