Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

|| Weston's POV ||

I was starved. I was in the mood for a subway sandwich, but I couldn't leave Scarlet alone again.

Now I vividly remember, I just had pizza hut a just few days ago.

I opened up the fridge, and searched frantically for a pizza hut box. When I didn't find any trace of it, I searched the cabinets for food that I could just microwave.

Suddenly, I heard the pipes all throughout the house start running. Scarlet must've been getting a shower.

I looked at the oven clock, and the green numbers glowed 12:13.

I should probably get a shower, too.

I went to my room on an empty stomach, and when I went to my personal bathroom, I turned the shower on, causing fog to appear on the mirror.

When the shower warmed up, I got in.

* Thirty minutes later *

I was sitting on the counter eating an oven made pizza that I pulled out of the freezer. Since I was starved, I gobbled it down fast, and was already on my second piece.
When I got thirsty, I just poured a glass of water.

I haven't seen Scarlet for a while, I wonder if she's okay.

I began standing up to go check on her, but I was still hungry. I sat back down and took a sip of water.

|| Scarlet's POV ||

I was peering out from behind the shower curtain, shivering. I couldn't believe what was happening. It was horrible, and a horrifying scene in front of me...
There wasn't a towel to dry off.

This only meant one thing. I would have to make an important choice.

I scanned my surroundings before jumping out of the shower, being exposed to the freezing air. I jumped on top of the toilet and pulled the shower curtain down. I wrapped it around me, and stepped out of the bathroom, dripping water on the wood floors.

"Weston!" I called out.
There was no answer.
"Weston!" I called out again, this time, a little louder.
There was still no answer.

I took a deep breath and ran down the hallway with nothing covering me, but a shower curtain. I ran to the kitchen to see if Weston was in there.

Sure enough, he was. He was sitting on the counter eating.

Oh, he changed his clothes.
He was wearing a black Tshirt this time. I've never actually saw him without his jacket on until today.

Wow... He's attractive.

He looked up at me, and his mouth was fixed with a smirk... Almost like he had planned this out.
He tapped on his chin sarcastically, "Hmm... What seems to be the problem?"
I was still shivering.

"I need a towel!" I spat.
He looked amused.

"Is that so?"

He raised an eyebrow playfully, and jumped off the counter.

"It is so... Now can I have a towel?"

"I think what you're wearing is perfect."

"No. I want a towel."

"What kind?"

"I just want a towel!"

"What. Kind."

"Any kind! Just please give me a towel!"
Weston grinned wide.

"Well.... Since you said please."
He disappeared into his room, and when he came back, he had a towel.
He held the towel out to me, and I snatched it out of his hands.

"Thank. You." I snapped.

"Wow... Even when you're pissed off, you still have good manners." He laughed a little. I kept walking away until he ran up to me,

"Wait... You might wanna know something."
He leaned in really close to me and whispered into my ear something that alarmed me.

"There's a rip in that." He poked the side of my stomach.

A rip?! How big?!

I ran down the hallway, past the bathroom, because there wasn't a mirror in the bathroom. I came across a room that had a bed and a closet and a TV in it. I walked in.

This must be Weston's room.

I walked further into the room, and found a bathroom with a mirror in it. Sure enough, there was a huge gap in the curtain. It exposed the entire right side of my stomach. I mentally slapped myself.

Ugh! How embarrassing!

I wrapped the towel around me and put the shower curtain on his bed. I found a notepad and a pen on his desk, and wrote a little note, and stuck it on top of the shower curtain.

Leaving the shower curtain with the note on his bed, I walked out of his room and ran down the hallway towards the bathroom to put my clothes on. I looked all around the sink for my clothes, but I only found a note on the sink.

I started laughing as I read it:
Looks like you're gonna have to wear that towel for a bit until you find your clothes.
- Weston


Happy Easter!
Thank you guys so much for this many reads, seriously this is insanee!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, though it was a little short.
Just a reminder, I'll be updating later this week, maybe earlier because it's spring break. (Yasssss!)
Please remember to vote/comment/follow... I'd really appreciate it!
Byee :)
- Ellynn377 :)

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