Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

|| Weston's POV ||

"Thank you so much." She said, giving me a hug.
This time, I didn't feel a wave of guilt, I felt the whole ocean of guilt. It was my fault that he came.
It's my fault that Scarlet's in danger!

No, it's not. He tried blaming things on me.

But of course it is! He traced the call. And I shouldn't of picked up the phone!

I shouldn't worry. I had no choice to pick up the phone.

I kept on arguing with myself. He was really getting to me. He's manipulating me, and trying to make me believe that it is my fault. But it wasn't. Nothing was my fault. It was all him. All along.

I had just put Scarlet's clothes on top of the washing machine to hide them. I chuckled as I thought of Scarlet's reaction to it. Suddenly my phone started buzzing. I looked over my shoulder to see who it was. It simply said, 'No caller ID.'
I just glared at my phone, as if it would burst any minute. I debated with myself whether I should answer it or not, because I had a feeling I knew who it was.
I brought my index finger to the 'answer' button on my phone, preparing for what I was expecting.
Just as I expected, a deep voice spoke on the other line.
"Hello, Wes." He started laughing. His laugh sounded so wicked and evil that it made my stomach churn.
"D-don't you DARE call me that, you bastard!" I yelled. Right after I said it, I knew I would regret it.
"Oh, look who's taken some confidence pills." His voice was deep and murderous. "And since you have THAT much confidence, then I suppose you wouldn't mind me paying you a visit?"
I felt heat rising to my face with anger. I didn't know what to say. I walked out of the garage, slamming the door with my phone next to my ear.
I stomped to my room like an angry five-year-old and shut the door behind me in case Scarlet would overhear the conversation.
I heard more wicked laughing coming from the other line.
"Speechless?" He asked, followed by more laughter.
"Shut up!" I yelled, causing his laughter to stop.
"Oh? Stop? Make me," he continued, "And I will stop. As soon as I get what I want."
I gritted my teeth.
"You GREEDY, SELFISH, MURDER!" I shrieked into the phone.
"Me? Murder?" He started laughing harder that before. "Says the one who killed Scarlet's parents."

That got me.

"It wasn't me! It was all your fault! I was the one fucking blamed for it! You're the one who did it, you murder!" I yelled.
He was the one who murdered Scarlet's parents... I, on the other hand, have never murdered any soul.
"Well than, Wes," he put emphasis on the 'Wes', "Why didn't you tell her it wasn't you?" He asked, getting to the point.
Why didn't I tell her it wasn't me? Because she wouldn't of believed me. And, knowing her personality, she would have gotten suspicious of everything. And why I feel stupid? Because now, when I tell her, she's never gonna trust me again. And, even if I did tell her, I wouldn't feel completely refreshed. I still had a secret that would either change everything good, or bad. And there was a better chance of it being bad rather than good.

He answered his own question for me, "Because she wouldn't believe you. She wouldn't even trust you."
"That's not true!" I lied.
He ignored my response and kept talking.
"And don't you worry, Wessy," He hissed, "Once I tell her everything, she'll be all over me." He stated proudly.
That didn't make sense.
"Why will she be all over YOU? You KILLED her PARENTS." I said, confused.
"Oh, no... I won't tell her the truth... I'll tell her MY WAY." He started laughing... Louder... And louder... And louder. Then, the line went dead.
I cursed loudly with gritted teeth, and slammed my phone down. I paced around the room.
Suddenly, a heard my phone buzz again.
I shakily took my phone and read the text he had sent me.
'See you soon, Wessy'

I hugged her back.
I would protect her no matter what happened. I didn't know what the future would hold, but all I knew was that as long she's with me, she's safe. I would make sure of that.
I let go of her and flipped the lights on. I went to the corner that she said she heard scattering.
Right in that corner, were muddy shoe prints. I kept scanning the area. There was mud everywhere... Then I saw something else that caught my eye.
"S-scarlet? You didn't shoot him, did you?" I asked, afraid of what I was seeing.
Scarlet walked over, then she gasped.

|| Author's Note ||

Yes, I'm leaving another cliff-hanger... Muahaha >:)
Sooo for the next chapter, I'll try to make it extra long since...
*drumroll please*
It's gonna be chapter 20! Yisss.
I actually decided to update early BECAUSE I'm gonna have to get started on the next chapter... Hope you enjoy!
Please remember to vote/comment/follow mee :))
I love you guys so much <33

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