📖First Day Of School📖

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"I woke up because of my alarm clock so, i stretch my body and went to the bathroom and do my morning routine"

By the way i'm Lee Y/n 18 years old and i only have my Mom and Dad so in short i'm the only only daughter in our family and we are very rich my parents are Mafia's and they own the 2nd most powerful Mafia Empire around the world so that means they are so powerful,wealthy,and all people are scared at them because they also known as the most big holder of other ruthless gang and other big businessess and the're both cold to everyone and ruthless to the're enemy and no one dare to messed with them or else they ended up suffer the most painful and ruthless death.While me i'm here disguising as a sweet and kind daughter,well that's true i'm not rude or cold to others but the thing they didn't know that i'm the Mafia Queen that holds the number 1 most powerful and has the most hold of the others gang and even the cops are working for me but i didn't reaveal my self to my own safety and i don't want my parents to know about of being a Mafia Queen....yet.

And i'm also a young Zillionaire or more than that because i don't know my net worth i have too much money and other luxurious things like golds,all types of rare stones,money,businesses like Chanel,Gucci,prada,Louis Vitton,Filla,Celine,Balenciaga,YSL, Dior,etc... and i also own the company of the luxurious Car brands like Lamborghini,Ferari,Porche,Mercedes,Bugatti,Ford and etc... and since they said that i'm still a minor they enrolled me to study in ×××× University one of the most popular and only rich kids can enroll in this school so i'm just go with the flow even tho that i already graduate in Harvard University but they didn't know because since i'm 15 i already know how to run a company because i have a high IQ and actually i have 160 IQ so i'm smart at everything.

And today is my first at my new school and i hope no one will bully me and i hope i will see my Unnies there because they said they enroll at that University too and there name is Kim Jisoo,Kim Jennie,Park Roseanne,and Lalisa Manoban and we didn't see each other for almost 1 year because i'm in New York handling my business and they visit me sometimes but that's an year ago because there busy too and they move here in Seoul last year so it's hard for them to visit me there in New York,and there family are Mafias too and both our parents are in same Empire and bestfriends too and we all known each other since childhood and there like my real sister and they love me very much so am i and i'm gonna surprise them.

"I finished my morning routine and i take a bath and i wore my outfit and went downstairs to have breakfast and meet my parents.

My outfit:

At Dinning Table

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At Dinning Table

Good morning my most love and sweet parents.
I said hapilly and they both giggle and i sat down.

Good morning too sweety.
Mom said sweetly and serve me my favorite breakfast food blueberry pancakes with whipped cream on top.

Thanks mom
i said happily and dig in

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