💕New Student💕

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I still can't beleive that she help me and she answer the hard problem in just 2 damn minutes and the way she speaks make me admire her and when i spoke to her i'm feeling shy and i don't know why and i can't believe i'm blushing so i bid goodbye to her and went out and i'm gonna tell the boys about her.

Time Skip at Lunch

We are now here at the cafeteria with my group BTS and i can't wait to tell them about her.

Guys,there's a new student here and she's pretty and that annoying mr.kang cought me sleeping so he said he gonna let it slide for one condition and that is if i can solve that hard and advence math problem and he said i can choose a partner to help me and the new students whispered to me to choose her but i'm not sure her because i don't want to embarassed her but mr.kang said that the time is runningbso i have no choice so choose her and mr.kang said if she's sure to help me because if she's wrong we both will failed in our score and i felt nervous i can't even took a glace at her because i'm losing hope because i thought he will back out but she's not she went confidently to the board and solve it just 2 damn minutes,can you belive that and even that mr.kang is shocked and impresses at the same time and mr.kand said that he thought she's joking and she just said joking is not in her vocabolary and just that the bell rang and when she's packing her things i went to her and said thank you and as a thank you i'm gonna treat her to lunch and she said no problem and i can't beleive i blushed becbuse she smiled at me,when you her i'm sure you all gonna say that she's really pretty and cute at the same time and she's hot too and her name is Lee Y/n  nice name right?
I said happily and they just nodded unsure if i'm lying or not.

Jungkook:well,i hope that pretty and cute girl you say hyung exist because it's impossible to you to blushed and shy? wht a big joke.
He said laughing same with the others

Jimin:i can't wait to see that 'girl' hyung.
he said and thre laughing again

If you all don't beleive me,then let's wait for her and i'm gonna prove you all that i'm saying the truth.
i said while eating my food and they keep giggling because of they called 'story' of mine, then well see about that.

After some minutes i saw her looking around for a vacant seat,and i'm about to wave at her but she's going to blackpink's table.Me and my group are shocked too because blackpimk is the campus queens in this school and we are the most popular boys here in the campus but we and the girls are not friend because there cold to people and there not type of girls that when they a hot and handsome boys they will flirt but no there are not typebof girls and no body messed with them because there's a rumors that there parents are mafias so nobody messed with them if you want your life in peace.So that's why where so shocked even the other's student the cafeteria went silent when y/n taps Jennie in the shoulder and jennie stop her moving and rolled her fist inro ball and we all know what was going to happened and i hope that's not gonna happened.But next thing they do made our jaws drop and shocked us.



I'm now walking in there table but the cafeteria went silent and when i look at the students they giving me a 'don't you dare go to them"look but i just continue walking to them and taps Jennie's shoulder and she stop earing and my unnie's stop eating too but they srill not looking up and i noticed jennie's fist turn into ball and i'm sure she's not gonna continue what she's planning when she see me and when she's about to turn i spoke first.

Is that how you welcome me by heating me after we all didn't see each other for past 1 year?
i said in disbelief but i just fake that ofcourse.And i see they looking to each other before looking to me and i spoke.

Miss me,Unnies?
I said with a wide amile and they all stand up we did a group hug

Oh my god,i can't breath
i said because they squish me into a thight beat hug and they released me and we all chuckled and i noticed the students are shocked.

Jennie:oh my god,when did you arrived?

Rose:why didn't you tell us,so that we can welcome you in the airport.

Jisoo:how's New York?

Lisa:we miss you y/n-ssi

Okay,relax with the questions let me answer,first i didn't tell you all because i want to surprise you and i arrived yesterday and New Yorks is fine and i miss you too!
i said happily and we all sat down

Lisa:i can't beleive your finally here and think god your parents enroll you here.
She said happily

Jisoo:yeah,and thank god were here to  protect from the bullies.

Jennie:don't worry y/n-ssi they can't bully you as long as we here because we're the Campus Queens here inbthe University.
She said confidently

Your still the same jennie,you never change with your sassy attitude,that's why people went silent earlier

Rose:your lucky y/n that you spoke first if not jennie already punch you in the face
she said and we all laugh

Jennie:sorry for earlier it's just we'rw cold to others here and we also bully here if we're in mood to bully and the rumors that our parents are mafias so no one messed with us because they already know what will happened to them if they try to messed us.
she said with a smirk but me i change my happy expression into cold yet angry.

Jisoo:y/n,are you okay?

Rose:yeah,you look angry?


why you all do that?don't tell me just for fun,if i'm the one who did that to all of you what will you feel?
i said with a cold voice

Jennie:uhm...i'm sorry? we promise we stop bullying and be friendly if that what's you want.
she said with an apologitic tone

Jisoo:yeah,i'm sorry i'm should the one who's responsible in this because  i'm the older but i didn't do it,i'm sorry y/n-ssi

Lisa:i'm sorry y/n we just thought if were being cold and bad to others they will respect us and not making fun of us.

Rose:can you forgive us,y/n-ssi?we promise that we will stop and be nice to others and know our limits,just please don't be mad at us,please?
she said in they all five there unresistable puppy eyes and a sigh in defeat but i spoke.

But promise to me you all stop bullying and be nice to oonly nice people too but if someone bully us we all know what to do just don't bully innocent people.
i said with a wink

Jennie:your really something y/n,and we didn't bully innocent in here we only bully a jerk,playboy,and sluts who know some useless people here in campus
she aaid while rolling her eyes in disgust

Why didn't to tell me earlier so that we can return them and the beat the shit out of them
I said in desbelief and they laugh at my reaction

Lisa:don't worry we can find some jerk later.
She said while eating her food

Nah,i'm pass later let's just shopping


Lisa:i'm in!

Rose:good idea,y/n!

Jennie:Chanel here i come!

And my treat!
I said we all laughing and the students look at us and we continue eating.

Little did we know that someone admiring us from behind.

To Be Continued...

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