🍷At The Club🍷

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The challenge finished and i win amd i just finish it in 2 minutes leaving them shocked.

Jungkook:no way,did you just beat suga hyung.
he said shocked

Jennie:we didn't expect that.
She said shocked too

Lisa:And that means y/n wins and as a prize you boys need to follow whatever we say,Deal?
she said while looking at them

J-hope:Deal,for how long?

Jennie:just a week.

Jimin:okay,deal and let's enjoy the night.
He said and we  all cheers our glass and drink it in one go.

Jin:let's dance guys!
he said and they all went to the crowd exept for me Suga and Taehyung.

Suga:why won't you dance y/n?

Nah,maybe later and there so many pervert jerks there so that's why i'm not going,what about you both?
i ask while taking a sip

Taehyung:same,so many sluts there that only want some pleasure and money.
he said and suga agree

well, looks like we have a  same reason.
I said and we three cheers.

Suga:by the way why you always say that you will tell us soon if we're did you get those money.
He said curious

Taehyung:Let me guess from your parents but i just wondering what job or businesses your parents have because your hella rich.
He said and suga nodded

i'm gonna tell you why,if you tell me what your jobs is.
i said simply

Suga:uhm...we don't have job because we still need to graduate but only our parents has.
He said a little bit nervous

Then what kind of jobs all of your parents have.
I said as if i didn't know

Taehyung:uhm...they have business partners and uhm...lots of work and they always in business trip.
He said a little bit nervous

Uhm... we have a business too and my parents have so many business partners and most of there childrens has part of it too and maybe all of your parents is one of my parents business partner because my parents hella famous around the world.
I said simply as if it's not a big deal.

Suga:what do you mean there famous around the world?.
he said confused

Taehyung:yeah,and i'm sure our parwnts is not part of it because our business is different.
He said confused

Oh trust me they are part of it and honestly i know all of your parents it's
Mr.Kim Junghoo
Mr.Min Suhyun
Mr.Jung Soobin
Mr.Park Mingyu
Mr.Jeon Siwon
Mr.Kim Gong yo
Mr.Kim Jung-min
am i right?
i said simply and they both shocked

Taehyung:h-how did you know?
he said still shocked

Suga:then you mean your parents is Mr.and Mrs.Lee the leader of Black Spade Mafia Empire!
he said super shocked

You guess it right.
I said simply

J-hope:Did we miss something important?you both seemed surprise.
He said while looking at them.

Suga:yeah,you really guys missed something because y/n is the daughter of the Black Spade Mafia Empire!.
he said said shocked

Jimin:she must be joking,right y/n?
he said unsure

Me?joking?what a big joke.
I said and chuckled

J-hope:y-your not j-joking?
he said stuttered

Yup,you want guys prove.
i said and they all nodded exept my Unnies because they already know exept for me being the leader of Mafia Queen of Black Treats Mafia Gang.

I took my phone and video call dad and he answer it.

Video Call

Hi dad.
I said while waving at him

Dad:hi sweety,wait are you in the Club?
je said while checking my sorroundings.

Yes,and don't worry i'm with Unnies and meet my new friends Bts!
i said and turn the phone at them and they bow at dad.

Rm:Good evening Mr.Lee
He said while bowing

She said while waving and Unnies too and dad smile.

Dad:hi girls!hello boys!enjoy the party and don't drink to much you hear me kids?
he said seriously

Don't worry dad we can handle our self and sorry if i disturb you.
i said with a sorru look.

Dad:you didn't sweety and your mom cooking here and she kick me out of the kitchen because she said i will burn the whole mansion if i help her.
he said while pouting.

Jisoo: i agree with auntie,uncle we all know that you sucks at cooking.
She said and we girls laughing and the boys scared to join and dad just pout angirly.

Dad:yah!you girls are so mean,by the way i'm gonna do something important let's end the call now.
He said and we bid goodbye and me with my unnies send him a flying kiss.

End of the Video Call

Rose:so you boys beleive now?
she said while looking at them.

J-hope:i can't believe it's really true.
He said still shocked

Jungkook:and he's different tonight je's sweet and childish.
He said not beleiving what he just saw.

Lisa:that's  uncle he's only cold outside but warm and sweet inside.
she said and we girls nodded

Suga:ok,it's pretty late now we still have school tomorrow and we don't want to be late if we does it's surely detension.
he said while checking he's wrist watch and we all agree.

Yeah,your right let's go home now.
i said and we all sat up.

Jennie:and don't forget to use our new Lamborghini tomorrow.
She said exitedly

Jimin:i won't forget that ,and thatnks for that y/n.
he said thanking me and the others

Your welcome guys,see you tomorrow.
I said and we all bid goodbye and we went to our cars and went home.

To Be Continued...

Hi readers did you like this part?if yes don't forget to vote and comment and i'm gonna update if i'm free because i still have a module to answer so sorry if i update late.

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