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I woke up because my phone vibrated and i pick it up lazily and answer it without looking the caller.

i said with my raspy voice

???:Hello,y/n-ssi i'm sorry if i wake you up i just wan't you invite later for a dinner and your Unnie's too and it's just the same dinner you already know why, because i'm bored,okay?
She said sweetly

Oh,Auntie Jane sure!we will be there at 7:00 p.m. and thank for the invite.
i said while giggling

Auntie:Ok,wake up now you still have school and you and yoongi are in same school i hope you meet him so that you have new friend and he's hyung's too.
she said

I already meet them auntie jane and the truth we hang out yesterday and i treat them.
I said happily

Auntie:really?!your such a generous lady,okay bye bye now and have breakfast before going to school and tke care.
She said sweetly

Ok,auntie you too and tell uncle i say hi, bye!muahhh!
i said and she giggle and we hang up.By the way Auntie Jane is Yoongi's mother and she always invit us at dinner when she's bored and her cook is so delicious but i can't see suga when we were at them.

I got up from my bed and do my morning routine and went bath.

Time Skip At School

We arrived at school and everybody's jaws drop because of our new Lamborghini and we went out.

Jennie:looks like everybody went jelous .
She said while smirking.

Lisa:then let them be,let's go now before we went late.
she said and went insise and ignore the gasp.



Were here now at school and we can tell that the girls already arrive because thete Cars is already in here and just as we expect everybody jaws drop and other jelous.

Jungkook:there reaction is priceless.
He said while observing there reaction

Jimin:come on let's go now let's just ignore them like always.
he said and we all went inside.

Time Skip

At The Cafeteria

Were here now seating while waiting the girls.

Suga:by the way mom invite us to have dinner with them later.
He said normaly

J-hope:them?there also other poleople there?
he said confused

Suga:mom said sje invit her goddaughters to have dinner with us and she also said we already know them.
He said

Jimin:well let's meet them i hope there hot and pretty.
He said smirking

Jin:yah!you really a flirty perverted guy.
He said scolded jimin

Jungkook:yeah hyung stop your flirty attitude.
he said while rolling his eyes

He said rolling his eyes

Rm:what time?

Suga:7:00 p.m. and wear presentable suit it's so embarrassing for the guest if we only wear baggy and over sized cloths.
he said and they agree.

Taehyung:sure and the girls is here.
He said and we all turn our heads to were Taehyung looking at and saw them always pretty.

Lisa:hi guys!
she said and they sat beside us.

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