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While we were eating some boys went to us including Seokjin.

Jin:hi y/n,uhm...can we join you all,if that's okay?
He said shyly

I said and they sat down beside us,in my left there's and to mybright there's this hot guys that has a hazel brown eyes,and has a point jawline.

Jin:by the way as i said earlier i'm gonna treat you as thank you so,just order whatever  you want.
He said

Only if you treat my Unnies too
i said and and look to my unnies with a smile

Sure,no problem just order
he said and my unnies went there like kids and order there foods also mine.

I said with a smile

No problem y/n,that's my thank you for helping me in math class and because of you i'm not failed,and i still can't beleive that you solve that hard and advance math problem.
He said praising me.

It's not a big problem,also i'm studying in Harvard so it's easy for me to solve hard problems.
i said with a hamble voice

Really?!wow,that's amazing that's why your genious
said with that bunny smile boy

Uhm...not really.
I said shyly

By the way, introduce your self boys.
He said while speaking to them

Hi i'm Namjoon just RM for short.

I'm Min Yoongi just call me Suga.

I'm your hope your my hope i'm J-hope.
he said and i giggled because of his cuteness

I'm Jimin just Chim for short.
He said a eye smile.omo!he's so adorable i wan't to pinch he's cheeks.
I said mentally

I'm Taehyung just V for short.
He said with he's rectangular smile.
Shit they're so handsome and hot at the same time.i mentally slap my self

And i'm Jungkook Kookie for short.
he said with he's bunny smile

Nice to meet you all
i said with a smile

Uhm...are you girls free later because we just want to invite you to shopping if it's okay?
Rm said shyly since my unnies back now with our foods.

Jennie:sure!!we're planning to shopping too later.
She said exitedly

Lisa:and y/n's treat!!!
she said happily

Jisoo:okay,let's just all meet at ×××× Mall 4:00 p.m.
she said with a smile and the bell rangs and we separate ways.

Time skip

At The End Of Class

Finally the class is over so that we can shoppingbwith the boys and i'm here now at the hallway walking and wait for my Unnies there in the parking lot.

I arrived at the parking lot and i can see my Unnies waving at me so i waved back and went to me.

Lisa:ready for shopping?

Jennie:super,i can't wait to buy my Chanel Bag!

Only Channel Bag?nothing else?
i said with a smirk

Rose:oh~i can sense a no limits here~
she said smirking too

Jisoo:no way!really y/n?!

Lisa:no limits!!?

yup!so let's go and let's meet the boys there!
i said exitedly

Jennie:uhm...we didn't bring a car only dad fetch us here.

Rose:did you bring your car y/n?

yup,and guess what car is it?
i said while smirking

Jisoo:no way,don't tell me you use a fucking Lamborghini?
she said shocked

Uhm.................yes,your right!
i said happily and we all laughing

Jennie:then where is it?
she said while looking around

Guess it,and when you found the most luxurious car then that it is!
i said and they all looking around and stop when they see a black Lamborghini that i brought earlier.

Rose:don't tell me that's your car.
She said froze while pointing at my car.

Yep,you guess it!



jisoo:then what are we waiting for ,let's go!!
she said exitedly and we went to my car and press my keys to prove that, that is mine and we all went in and i start the car and drove off.

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