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Jennie:what the actuel fuck?!.
she said amazed and they all have the same reaction

Taehyung:woah,that was too many and she owned that all.
He said said still amazed and he just see soo much money in his entire life.

Some of my mens already arrange the money to transfer to my Parents and friends and i went to them and hug them keep saying sorry.

Dad:it's okay sweety you only did it for the sake of us and for the company.
He said and they hug me and saying it's okay

Thank you guys for understanding tht's why i love you all very much.
I said emotionally and we all have have a group hug and soon my parents went to their other business partners leaving me with my friends.

Jisoo:so,you really own that much of money.
she said still not beleiving and they waiting for my respond.

Uhm...Yes....and it's all because of my hardworking and wise mind in business
i said with a nervous smile

Rose:really?!wahh i still can't beleive that you owned it.
She said amazed

J-hope:that's why you treat us Lamborghini with no hesitation
he said and they all nodded

Treating my friends is my new addiction and i will never stop doing that hobby of mine and i won't mind tho.
i said simply and they just stared me with 'are you sure' look

What?is it bad to treat my friends more like my family
i said with a raised eyebrows

Jennie:well, i like that hobby of yours
she said with a playful smirk

Your really something Jen.
I said with a chuckled

Lisa:that means we can buy what ever we want even if it's every day?
she said unsure

I don't mind tho
i said and my Unnies start to jump like a kids and i giggle of their cuteness

Jimin:wahh,am i dreaming
he ask and rose said

Rose:you want me to punch you.
she said with sassily

Jimin:nah no tkanks,but kiss will work
he said and wink to Rose who rolled her eyes but blushing like mess but hide it

Rm:okay,stop you two before you both  went fight and let's just enjoy the party.
he said and we all cheers our glass and drink it

Jin:guys how about let's dance
he said and they all went there and shake they're ass off exept me and yoongi

Why won't you join them?they look having fun.
I said while glancing at him

Suga:i'm so lazy to dance,what about we both go to the garden to chill out?
he ask while waiting for my answer.

Sure,let's go
i said and he take my hand and we both went to the garden and sat at the near bench and it's really beautiful

Sure,let's goi said and he take my hand and we both went to the garden and sat at the near bench and it's really beautiful

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We both sat here with an awkward silence so i broke it by asking him a question.

So,why do you want to go here
I ask him trying to start a convo

Suga:nothing,just to chill and i want something to tell you
he said nervously while scraching the back of his neck

What is it?

Suga:Uhm...i just want to say uhm..nevermind it's nothing important.
He said and trying to avoid my gaze

Really,nothing important?you know you can say it to me but i won't force you if you don't want to.
i said and put my arm on his shoulder

Suga:uhm...im just worried that you will be upset with me if i tell you that...
he said nervously and i have an better idea to make him tell me what is he trying to say

Uhm...it's okay Yoongi and i will go now i will give you time to get ready what ever you want to say.
I said while standing uo and ready to go but he held my wrist and i turn around.

Suga:don't ,uhm..okay i will tell you uhm...
he said unsure and i raised my brows and he said

Suga:I like you  Y/n since we first meet but it's okay if you don't feel the sa-..
I didn't let him finished as i smashed my lips with him and he's very shocked but responed to my kiss anyways and after a while we parted as we both lack of brrath and we stared each other with full of love.

I like you too sleeybear.
i said cutely and he giggle of my cuteness and kiss my nose and i pout cutely that make his heart melt of my cuteness.

Suga:why your so cute and hot at the same time
he said and pinch my cheeks

Really?you think i'm hot?
i said with the seductive voice and he smirk

Suga:yeah,and it's make me needy.
he said while staring deedly into my soul and i didn't expect him to say that but it's kind a hot thot but need to act like i'm mad at him.

Yah,you pervert man we just got into a relationship a few minutes ago and now your talking like that to me,yah your so unbeleivable.
I said to him and walk away leaving and i sheepishly smile and he follow me as i expected and walk beside me but i keep my 'mad' face

Suga:yah,i'm just joking i didn't mean that,i'm sorry i won't do it again promise,please forgive me jagi.
He said while holding my hands and i'm acting like i'm thinking .

Okay,for one condition.
I said with a smirk

Suga:whatever it is i will do it just forgive me jagi.
He said and i went near him and whispered.

Come,catch me
i said and run away leaving him dumbfounded and he run after me and i run faster back to the party and i see them talking.

Lisa:y/n why are you sweating are you okay?
she said and they look at me with a worried faces

Yah,don't worry i'm okay just me and yoongi running bach here.
I said and they laugh

Jennie:really? why would you both run it's not like there's someone following you
she said and yoongi appears behind me with a sweaty head

Suga:your such a fast runner y/n.
He said and wipe his sweat

Rose:you both seems enjoy and close that usual.
She said while wiggling her eyebrows

J-hope:are you two now official?
he ask and they all look at us waiting us to answer.

Uhm...yes he confessed to me earlier and i accepted it.
i said with a shy smile

she said and they all cheering us both

Suga:how about you guys when all you gonna be official?
he said and they look to their partners exept for hobi and rm.

Jimin:maybe soon,i still need to escort Rose

Jin:me too
they said and i glace at hobi

How about you hobi you still don't have a partner?

J-hope:uhm...i meet a girl and she's really pretty and she's also kind and her name is Nancy i meet her few weeks ago when i bumped into her at the cafe and that's how we meet and also text each other and date sometime and i'm planning to ask her to my girlfriend tomorrow.
He said shyly and all support him

Rm: i also have a crush her name is Tzuyu and i meet her in Park when i go out to chill out few months ago and she' s pretty and kind and both date sometimes and planning to ask her to be my girl.
He said and we cheer him and we finally all have a partner now.

And then all we do in the whole night was dancing,drinking,and we really enjoy the night and we all bonding each other and there's no one gonna break us apart even death.

The End

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