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I'm here at my office in Black Spade Head Quarters and dad told me that we have a meeting with some others big mafia leaders about something important and the meeting starts at 10:30 and it's 10:26 a.m. now so i stand up and went to the meeting room.

After i enter the room i already the other leaders seating and eaiting for dad and after some minutes he finally arrive.

Dad:i held this important meeting because we need to discuss about the secret money vault and all the other gangs already know about this and this will cause a big war.
He said coldly and he comtinue.

Dad:We need to win this war so that,the vault will belong to us and make our Mafia Empire to be more powerful.
he said and they all nodded exept for me but no one noticed.

Mr.Han:what about the Mafia Queen?I'm sure she will win the war and get the Vault.
he said and they all start murmuring

She's not like that the truth is she own the Money Vault and she's the ono who announce it.
i said and they all stare at me confused.

Dad:what are you saying?and where did you get you get those news?
he ask confused and i just smiled

Well,you know me and her are super close and sh said that to me.
I said simply and they all gasp.

Dad:y/n this is a serious mission be professional and don't talk nonsense.
he said seriously

I'm not joking dad and i can prove it to you tomorrow at night
I s.aid simply

Dad:why tomorrow?

Uhm..she said she's gonna held a Mafia Ball at night and all the big leaders are going at the ball and tomorrow she's gonna reavel who is she.
I said simply and i continued

By the way only me and queenie know the code of the Money Vault and do you all how much the worth inside the vault?
i ask and they all thinking.

he said unsure

Trillions?are you kidding me, what a joke amount.
I said and chuckled and grab my phone and show the Vault.

I said and chuckled and grab my phone and show the Vault

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Decillions and more than that

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Decillions and more than that.
i said and there eyes went wide and jaws drop

Dad:b-but how did she have all that?
he said shocked

Well i have 50% share of that and if you all ask if why we have that much of money it's because we have so many business like.....

I said all 'our' busnissess and they all shocked especially Dad he can't beleive that he have very rich and powerful daughter.

Dad:then why didn't you tell us we're your parents.
He said in desbelief

I'm sorry dad if i keep this secret i just want to be independent and to surpise you both as my thanks that you both done to me and for give what evr i want.
I said sadly

Dad:it's okay sweety and i'm proud of you but from now on no secrets alright.
he said and smile and hug me.

Uhm...dad i still have a one secret that i didn't tell everyone but you will know it tomorrow.
i said and his confused but nodded and the meeting's over.


Mianhe reader i'm sorry if i didn't update for days it's because i have a module to do and i have so many projects to do and i know this chapter is so short i just update even if it's not long i just don't want you all to be upset or be impatient about the next part of my fanfict.
Mianhe😔😔😔😔hope you guys understand me.

Secret Mafia Queen /BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now