chapter 15

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I stared blankly at my phone as his voice rang into my ears once again. "Meet me at the beach near the  mall..."

Is he being serious, cause it ain't April Fools' Day yet.

Sighing deeply, I made my way there nevertheless. I noticed many couples there at the beach and tried to spot a single guy sitting on a log.

After a few minutes, I found Felix sitting on the sand, his shoes off as the waves crashed softly and lightly onto his feet. I watched how his hair blew, his eyes closed and his smile, all was breath-taking, maybe even more breath taking then the sunset. I slowly sat down next to him, startling him. We sat side by side, in silence, watching the sun go down, asking the moon to go up. Soft chatter of children faded as we stared in the horizon.

This was perfect, everything was.

He turned to look at me, staring straight into my orbs. I could see the sparkle and glisten in his eyes the moment I looked into them.

"Ji-Woo i-" he was about to say something when a girly voice cut him off.

"Felix you're here!!"

It was Soo-ah. I mentally sighed as I looked at the sea, reflecting the sun, not bothering to look at her.

She was sitting next to Felix other side, grabbing his arm tightly and I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore her presence all together.

"Oh hi Ji-Woo..." she said, annoyed.

I didn't bother to respond, there was no point to it. every feeling I had with me a few moments ago started dripping. Dripping like a waterfall, along with my soul as I eyed how close Soo-ah was to Felix.

Yet, I couldn't do anything. There was nothing I could do. It felt like being stuck in a box. It was hard to breath and better yet, it was hard to escape. Remembering Soo-ah was near me, I got up and dusted some sand on my legs and announced, "I'll get going. Bye Lix"

"Ji-Woo..." he started.

"Felix! Look at the waves, aren't they beautiful?" Soo-Ah squealed, directing his attention to what I saw now, plain old boring waves which refuse to move on Soo-Ah's command.

She turned around, making sure Felix wasn't looking and mouthed the words. "Leave him alone or you'll regret it"

I walked back home, my head hung down and my feet dragged slowly as each step I took created an annoying sound which caused the rocks and the sole of my shoes to grind against each other.

I glanced up at the stars in the now pitch black night sky. I once heard a legend. Each star is for each one who has managed to find love in their own way. Big or small, it depends on how the person opens their heart. My mind suddenly went to Felix and blood flooded my cheeks as I shook that thought away.

I finally arrived back at home and slumped on the bed. Being the dramatic depressed person I was, I begged Chan for cuddles as we watched cat videos.

However, halfway through the video which was only 5 minutes, Chan fell asleep which I wasn't surprised. I paused the video and carried his extremely heavy body up into his room before heading back down. A ring tone dinged, and I was sure it was not my phone as my ringtone doesn't say, "Oi Felix! Come here BRO!"

I was just too curious thus I picked up the phone and realised it was Felix. Of course, Chan didn't put in a passcode. How was I not surprised.

Saturday 4.30pm

Brownie Boy:

I'm reaching where are you guys?


We just finished a roller coaster, getting drinks

Brownie Boy:

Alright. Meet you at the cotton candy then

Sunday 5.09pm


Where are you bringing Ji-Woo?

Brownie Boy:

the beach I always wanted to go


Good luck mate

"It rude to touch read someone's text you know." Chan suddenly said behind me. I could tell he was angry. I could feel his angry breath even if I was just two meters away from him.

word count: 672

a/n: take care u all :) >3

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