chapter 24

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(Soo-Ah POV)

I stood there frozen as she pushed past me. What did the wreck just did? Felix leaned down quickly and whispered, "We're done."

They both left, leaving me standing alone in the hallway.


I scowled and stormed off to home.

(Felix POV)

We laughed till our stomachs were painful. I walked her to the beach we went the other day, but this time, without Soo-Ah.

I seemed to notice our hands were still attached but I liked it that way. We sat down on the exact same log and began admiring the view. When I meant We I meant her. I was just admiring how the sun setting could be featured in her orbs.

Lee Ji-Woo...I like you.

But how could I say that to her after what happened, she still needs some time to let it sink in. all I know, this is my last chance. I can't blow it, at all.

I mentally sighed and turned to look back at the sun. It turned dark after a while and streetlights lit up. I walked her home. Unlike the other walks, this walk was different. It wasn't silent instead her laughter echoed all the way home. My heart fluttered at both her voice and at the sight of her.

But did I really deserve her, after all, I ran away cause falling for her was the reason and I did break her heart twice. She gave me a second chance, is it too late to back out now?

We finally arrived at her doorstep and I watched her till she entered. I waved her a goodbye before she closed the door.

I really didn't deserve her. Not one bit. I whipped out my phone. Fear overtook me, I was afraid. It was only me. I was trapped in a cage and it seemed to hard to escape. Should I run again?

I quickly booked a ticket back to Australia. At least I didn't have to hurt her anymore.

(Time skip= 3 days before felix left)

(Seungmin's POV)

I heard shouting in an empty classroom as I roamed the halls that day. I was about to burst in to reprimand them but soon realised, it was Chan and Felix arguing.

I stayed silent behind the door to listen to their conversation.

"Why are you leaving her now?!" Chan screamed.

"I have no choice!" Felix retorted back.

"There are better ways to deal with it you know."

"What better than to leave?!"

"Maybe not leave. She's giving you a chance and you're throwing it away! Didn't I say before I left that I was neither leaving you nor Ji-Woo behind? And I mean it by every word so don't leave. If you don't wanna think about me, think about Ji-Woo. She would be depressed. What kind of monster are you?"

"This conversation is done. I'm leaving whether you like it or not."

"Felix..." Chan said, trying to get a hold of Felix. I ran away quickly down the row of lockers before he could notice me.

Felix...leaving? Thoughts raced through my head. But he's only been here for two months.

I'm very much aware Felix and Ji-Woo like each other. But I can't bear seeing Ji-Woo cry again.

What in the world was going on?

word count: 523

a/n: this story is almost finishing

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