I woke up with the feeling of Alex's arms holding me close to him. It felt so nice, I didn't want to leave the comfort of being in bed with him. I lift my head up to check the time. 3:45 pm. Why the hell are we still asleep? What time did we go to bed? I sat up and slowly unwrapped myself from Alex. I tippied toed out of the room, and headed downstairs to make some coffee. I find myself a visitor at the kitchen, t'was Miles.
"Oh, well good morning." I smiled.
He turns around, " 'Ey Lily! How're you?"
"Good, just woke up. Yourself?"
"Ah I came to see if you love birds were awake but apparently I was wrong, so I left you two asleep. Why are you just waking up-" he pauses and then gives me a devilish grin.
"Oh no, Miles. You're having the wrong idea."
"SHHHHHH! MILES. SHUT UP." I whispered as I covered his mouth.
Miles laugh. I shook my head, "Asshole."
As we started to make the coffee and got some cookies down from the pantry, we heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Miles pushes me and whispers in my ear, "Hide." So I played around and hid into the living room. I heard Alex approach the kitchen.
"Morning sleepy head." Miles laughed.
"Where's Lillian?"
The way he said my name in his sleepy voice made me melt.
"Hiding." Miles said, I can hear him smiling. That fucking prick, I wanted to yell at him but that'd blow my cover.
I heard footsteps coming, I couldn't tell if they were coming towards me or in a different room. I heard the footsteps closer, I quickly scattered into the hall and went pass the dining room. Quickly I tried to make my way upstairs but I guess I stomped on the stairs loud that I heard footsteps running towards my direction.
"Fuck!" I mumbled. I quickly ran up the stairs and into Alex's room and quickly hid in the closet. I breathed heavy after finished running. My heart raced as I hear footsteps coming towards the room. I controlled my breathing and continued to breathe slowly, maintaining my breathe. I heard footsteps coming to the closet. My heart starts to race faster. It feels like I can't breathe anymore. I accidentally let out a small gasp, which made Alex open the closet. He looked at me with an evil smile that eventually faded away since he saw that I wasn't.
"You okay?"
I nod. I wasn't okay, it felt weird. Maybe this closet isn't a great place to hide. I get out of the closet and as I walked out I took a deep breathe and inhaled. And took small deep breathes. I felt a hand around mine, "You sure? Cause your breathing tells me otherwise."
I looked at him and then down at my feet, "I don't know. I just felt like I couldn't breathe. Maybe it wasn't smart to hide in the closet after running away from you."
I look back up at him, a small smile appears on his face.
"C'mon, let's get some breakfast."
"Can't call it breakfast if it's like 4 in the afternoon."
"Oh well." He smiles. We walked out of the room and met with Miles who served us coffee.
Abbey hasn't been around lately because she's been with her family. I haven't heard a word from her since she asked me if I was pregnant yet, har har har. I'm not. To be honest it's been a few weeks. Me and Alex are settled down. We gotten closer but it feels like we're nothing but good friends. It doesn't seem like we're in a relationship or anything. We were gonna met with Matt and Breanna at the club but Matt called and said that they were gonna come to the house so we can all go together.
I waited on the couch for Breanna and Matt to come. I laid in a sweat black shorts and a loose navy blue tank. Alex later joins me, I turn to look at him, shirtless and in denim jeans. His hair was messy, freshly out of the shower. I quickly looked away before he met with my eyes. I must say his body is very toned.
I turn my head to meet his eyes, they're so hypnotic. "Hm?"
He remains silent and as he was gonna speak the doorbell rung. I look at the door and got up, "Hold that thought." And I walked passed him. But he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his body.
"Lillian, Lillian, Lillian, you're always on my mind and I'm so glad you're here with me." I looked at his desperate lips, begging to plant a kiss on mines. I smiled and placed the palm of my hand on his cheek.
"I'm very glad I'm here too, thank you for keeping me here." I pulled away to answer the door.
"Hey Lily! This is my girlfriend Breanna." He introduced me to who almost looked like my twin.
"Oh my god, she looks almost like me!" Breanna smiles. "But holy fuck, your body is fantastic!"
I giggled, "Thank you so much. But it's really nothing. Please come in." I stepped aside letting the two in. Breanna grabs my hand, "come on!" She whispers. I was very confused but accepted to follow her. We went upstairs to Alex's room. She closed the door behind her and say me on the bed, "So Matt tells me that Alex isn't making a move on you yet. So Imma change that. Imma help you, look so good that he's not gonna want to keep his hands off you." She grins.
I covered my mouth with my hands, "Breanna!" I laughed.
"Oh come on! After what Matt has told me about you two, it has to happen." She smiled. She walked towards my side of the closet. "Not bad in clothing." She pulled out some clothes. Then something caught her eyes. She pulled it out. "Perfect." Then looks at me. I blushed.
"Quick put this on!" She tossed the bed on the dress. And I looked down at it and she faces the door. "I won't look, I swear." I laughed, and took off my tank and shorts and slipped on the black strapless leather dress. It fit my body perfectly, showing a bit of my cleavage and perfectly showing my curves.
Breanna turns around and her mouth drops, "I wish I had a body like yours."
I smiled, "Believe me, you don't. Your body is beautiful!"
Breanna smiles and goes into the bathroom to look at my make up, "Come over here."
I walk over to the bathroom and she sits me down and apply my make up, I feel little strokes here and there and it tickled my face. I had my eyes closed for most of the time anyways. She takes a final look at me and says, "Done."
I turn to face the mirror and I was speechless. The eye liner and light eyeshadow brought out my eyes. My eyebrows were perfectly shaped. Cheeks covered in light blush and my lips covered with a dark plum color. I looked at Breanna and smiled, "Thank you!" She smiles and nodded. I went over to put on some basic red heels. I turn to see Breanna she wore black heels, low waisted black shorts and dark green tight crop top and she as honestly so pretty that she didn't need that much make up. But then I thought, "She wears little make up and she's immaculate, and here I am wearing a ton of make up and I look perfect." I look down and sighed.
"Lily what's wrong?"
"How come I need to do so much to myself and you don't?"
He sighed, "Don't say that. You're beautiful either way. And beauty matters on your soul. Not on what you look like. I only put lots of make up for you is because Alex hasn't seen this side of you and guys will come at you like dogs seeing a piece of sexy steak."
"So I'm steak?"
"SEXY steak. You forgot to add sexy" she smiled.
I laughed a little and nodded, "thanks."
She smiles and nods, "Come on."
I nod and we walk down the stairs meeting up with Alex and Matt. Alex wore a dark blue button down shirt with his hair in a quiff. It's been a while since I seen his hair in one. And Matt is wearing completely black, not surprised. I notice Alex keeps his eyes locked on me. I look at the steps while walking down.
"I don't know who is who." Matt smiles.
"I'm Lillian." Breanna jokes as she meet up with Matt. I look at Alex and he stares at my eyes. I can't break free from the tension we're having but I do.
"We're going now?" Breanna looks at me.
I nod, then at Alex. He's still staring at me.
We arrived at the club and it's pretty crowded. A lot of guys been looking at me. We reached a table and sat in a booth. We watched people danced. Breanna pulled me out and told me to dance. To be honest it's a workout just dancing with random strangers. Breanna made sure not to get her or I in trouble. She kept me in her sight and I kept her in mines. It's been over an hour and I've been already on my 5th drink. I'm seeing blurs. I lost sight in Breanna and can't find the boys, I turn to find them but I couldn't see anything. I walked out of the crowd and saw a familiar figure. I wrapped my arms around his waist, "Heeey cutie."
The stranger turned around, it wasn't Alex. "Oops! My bad, thought you were my date." I hiccuped. The man didn't let me go.
"Hey wise guy, fuck off." He didn't budge, he held onto my wrist tighter and walked me out the club. As we were heading out I saw Alex, into a conversation with a girl. He seems to act like I don't exist since I'm yelling his name to notice me. But nothing. I turn to see that we're almost outside, as I looked around again. I saw Alex and the girl kissing. My heart sank. We made it outside, the cold wind hits my face. I shiver at the feeling. I continue to fight and break free from his grip. I couldn't, then I realize I had a voice. I screamed and yelled for help. People turned around and saw I was in need of pain. Wait. Why do I need help? The man slapped my across the face to where I fell on the ground, I got up slowly acting if I was weak, then I reached my target. I punched his nuts and kicked his chin. It would've been terrible if my heel hit his chin. I watched him fall back and I stood up straight looking around seeing that guys were now scared of me. I start having doubts about everything. I continued to walk. Back "home." A few minutes later, thunder struck and lighting roared. Rain hit hard that I thought. Here I was, walking home with a small purse, heels, and a dress. I can tell my make up is running and so are my feelings. What if they left me behind? Where could I go? I went under this bridge and laid there. I wrapped my arms around my chest and sighed. My body soaking that I slept there. I'm starting to believe that this was a mistake. I cried and laid there until I fell asleep.
"Lily?!" A voice called.
I raised my head up, it's Matt. Behind him was Breanna. They come closer to me and I sit up, "What're you doing here?"
I sighed, "I just don't know what to do with my life anymore."
"Is it Alex?" Breanna frowned.
I looked up at her, I shrugged. I don't know what or who it is anymore.
"Can you just take me home?"
He nods, "C'mon." He reached his arm out. I get up and walk with them to the car.
We arrived home and I saw Alex sitting on the couch smoking while looking at me damped from the rain. He put out his cigarette and walked towards me, I quickly escaped by walking faster and away from him. I went into our room and I stepped into the shower and let myself soak in hot water. I heard footsteps, then clothes coming off. "What's happening?" I thought.
The shower curtain opened, it was Alex. I let out a scream, "Alex, what the hell?!"
He remains silent, he's naked. I am too but this is really awkward. I don't even dare look down. I look up covering my chest. He steps into the shower and closes the curtain.
"What're you doing here? What do you want?"
"I didn't finish."
"Yeah, you didn't finish kissing that girl at the club right?"
"She kissed me and I pushed her away. I went to go find you in the club and I couldn't find you. Breanna came from the outside and told me that you beat a guy up and walked to somewhere. And so they went to find you."
"Why didn't you come?"
"Cause Breanna told me to go home. So I waited on that couch to see if you'll ever come back from that door again."
I sighed and looked past his shoulder.
"I didn't finish talking to you earlier."
I looked at him he pulls me closer, I start to blush because I've never been this close to a man. Especially being naked in a shower.
"You're always on my mind and there is not a second where I'm not thinking of you. Your name floats around me and I've been writing so much about you. You are unique and different from others." He puts his hands on my ass. And pushes me closer and kisses me slow and tender. He pulls away smiling that I'm blushing. "You're very beautiful, no matter how ugly you think you are." I smiled. He makes me bubbly. "Now are we gonna shower or what?"
"No, let's take turns."
"Okay I'll wait here."
I laughed, "Out!"
"Can't make me if your covering yourself with your arms." He winks.
I groan, "You suck!"
Alex laughs his little heart out. This man is driving me crazy but I don't know why, but I love it.(This chapter was weird and long; anyways thanks for reading things will get more dramatic I promise 😂)

Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts
FanfictionLily is the type of girl who was the Valid Victorian at highschool, who graduated with honors. Her parents couldn't pay for college nor could she escape from her family. They were the type who were abusive and they needed her to be the slave. She go...